San-come home please (fluff+lil bit of angst)

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Warnings: running away, stress, anxiety, pregnancy, hiding, language maybe a bit of tears ignoring


3:47 pm....

"Fuck. Fuck..shit! This c-can't be true", a shaky voice echoed in the corner of the house as y/n, a young girl looked at her phone in utter shock. It was an email report of her test...she was pregnant.

She was a 23 year old psychologist who was dating a 25 year old doctor. Now, she'd always wanted to be a mother, but she was worried about what San, her boyfriend, would think.

They had never openly discussed about kids. Most importantly, San HATED kids. He claimed that they were annoying and whiny.

"I have to leave. I need to leave", she mumbled frantically while carding her hair furiously. She ran to her shared bathroom and whipped out a bag and started packing. She was scared and nervous.

She threw in 7 pairs of sweatpants, 3 shirts, 4 hoodies, 7 pairs of socks, underwear and a few dollars. She ran downstairs and took out a few bottles of water and wrote a small note for San and hurried out the door after putting her new shoes and grabbing a stick of deodorant with her.

She ran through the streets into a narrow alley where she set her things down and went out to look for cardboard boxes to build a shelter for the night.

She soon found a pillow, a few boxes, a brand new mattress with a complementary blanket. She dragged it over to her things and started to set things up. Soon after she was done, she called her work place and called in sick for the next 2 weeks

"I'm sorry baby. Mama wants you. Mama really wants you but..I don't think papa does. Don't worry baby, you have me. I promise to keep you safe, and bring you happiness. We only have each other now I guess", she says quietly, rubbing her slightly bloated belly as she was 3 months into her pregnancy.

San's pov-
I came home from work a bit early today because I wanted to cuddle with my girlfriend. I was a bit surprised to see all the lights off.

"Baby? You there my love?", I yelled into the darkness.

After I got no reply, I kicked my shoes off and rushed inside  the house. I managed to get to the kitchen where I turned on the lights and my finger brushed against a paper folded neatly on the counter.

It was some sort of note...I opened it and it read
Dear San, my love
I know we have a strong relationship. Something happened and I know you won't be happy about it...I'm going away. I don't know for how long, maybe forever...don't try to call me, I don't want to hurt you. Please, don't look for me as you will only end up getting hurt. Please sannie, stay happy and try to find someone else who you truly love. Something happened and I can't tell you in fear that you'll leave me. I'm so sorry my love. I love you more than anything and I hope you'll be happy without me. Goodbye my love
- your precious girlfriend, y/n
I read it out loud and I fell to my knees and started crying.

For hours I cried. I cried till I lost my mind and rushed to call y/n. I tried nonstop for 50 minutes but she didn't answer.

I called over my friends, Ateez, a group of 8 doctors and close childhood friends.

"Hi sannie, what's up?", a chirpy voice answered.

"Woo, please...come over with the others. I beg you", I sobbed harder as I heard y/n's voice in my head repeatedly saying "sannie".

"I'll be there. You don't sound well", he said in a rushed tone.

"It's y/n. She left me note and she's gone youngie", I choked out.

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