Yeosang-reunited (fluff)

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Y/n's pov-
I ran through the peaceful halls of my university as I was late for my

Our university was made in a castle. So, it was almost like it was straight from a fairy tale. The interior was old and ancient...almost like it had never been touched.

The classrooms were built in the bedrooms. It being a castle, there were almost 100 bedrooms, so there were more than enough rooms for all the different departments leaving 30 spare bedrooms on the very top floor.

Those bedrooms were used for students with full scholarships and me being one of them, I had a free access to the library and the other places off campus  without a curfew.

Every time I would walk the halls, I felt funny. Like I felt a weird sense of nostalgia wash through my body. It felt familiar...almost like I had been here before.

I was completely out of breath by the time I reached my math class. I hid behind  the door so I wouldn't  be caught by the professor.

As soon as he turned his back towards the door, ran inside and plopped next to my twin brother, yunho.

"Slept in?", he asked while occupied by book

"Yes...It's just that I slep at 4am and literally just woke up. I hardly had gtime to change clothes", I pout.

"You are lucky that I'm your brother. I wrote down your notes for you", he slapped my head playfully.

"Thanks. Would have gotten an earful from mr.Scott", I sighed.

"Silence! Read your books in silence!!", our teacher, Scott yells.

"Oh shit! My book...", I whisper yell at yunho.

He pulls out an identical book to hisand passes it to me.
"Page 190".

I smile and start reading the book. After 10 minutes of reading, I started losing interest.

I look around the room and spot a boy I had never seen.
The boy had beautiful blond hair that was slightly wavy and reached the end of his neck. His chiseled jawline enhanced his deep brown eyes. His pale skin was mesmerizing. The man was stunning.

I decided to keep admiring the boy longer until the bell rung. I jumped out of my seat at the sudden scare and turned to see yunho.

"What are you daydreaming about? Let's go, have to meet up with the others for lunch", he said. I looked over my shoulder to see if the cute guy was there but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah right. Hey yunho, do we have a new student?", I ask as I walked into yunho's side.

"Walk straight will you. And no we don't have a new student. Scott would have introduced them otherwise", he replied while reading an article on his phone.

"Makes sense but maybe he forgot....he is 67 after all...", I giggle and walk into him again.

"Goodness. Why can't you walk straight! Stop acting drunk you idiot", yunho yelled out frustrated.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...and you know what makes it funnier? The fact that you had the entire bed to yourself. You could have gotten up on the other side", I laughed.

"Shut up. You talk way too much for your own good", he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, your boyfriend is walking over there...imma head over to our table and leave you two love birds alone", I chortle and run off campus.

He tried to stop me but was interrupted by a deep "hey baby".

3rd pov-

"Hey baby", mingi ran up to yunho and greeted him with a soft kiss.

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