Mingi- attention (smut+fluff) ft.San

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Warning: cockwarming, penetrative sex, partially caught

You and the rest of ateez were in the lounge room chilling when something washed over making you needy as hell.

You look up to see your fiancé mingi and best friend San and playing a game online while yelling at Yeosang to shoot some zombie in the way.

They've been yelling and pounding on the computer keys for almost 2 hours.

"Yah, I'm going to take a break. My head is spinning from you two yelling so loud", Yeosang said while making a 'im done with you guys' face.

"Whyyyyyyyyy????? Don't goooooo!!!", screeched San who was currently sulking because he lost.

You looked at mingi who was now on his phone playing clash royal with seonghwa on the other end.

"Mingi you suck at this", Seonghwa giggled.
"Oh really? Hyung look at this now. BAM!", mingi said all happy.

At this point, you were wondering if he forgot you existed. Not even thinking twice, you text him as he was now watching a show online after winning yet another game.

Babe, you good?
Yeah. You? What's up?
Eh?... ....?????!!
You give and walk over to him and sit sideways on his lap startling him a bit at your unexpected move.

"What's wrong love?", he asks concerned.

You just sit properly straddling him while caressing his nape.

"Nothing really. You've just been ignoring me all day and don't even get me started about last night. You haven't spoken to me properly for a whole day mingi.
Do you understand what I mean? I honestly feel a bit... umm how do I say this nicely... ignored", you say pouting a bit.

"I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean it. I'm not making excuses. It's my fault. Sorry", he says looking down in guilt.

"Mingi I know you're busy and shit but baby... you can at least answer my texts. Yeah not immediately but like, after a few hours? Ok you can at least just read my texts, you don't even need to reply. This is going on for a month. I feel rubbish mings", you say a bit strangled as you felt your throat close up as your eyes watered a bit.

"I'm so sorry my love. That will never happen again I promise", he said wiping your tears away.

After a bit, you lay your head on his shoulder and just basking in his presence.

He pulled you a bit closer scared that you would fall or slide down his legs.

You took this as your chance to slide down, slightly grinding on him.

"Mmh. B-babe, not know", mingi groaned in pleasure.

"Nope. You have no idea how much I've been controlling myself. You turn me on so much", you say in a raspy voice.

"Please love. What would they say? Don't forget that we are not alone in this room. 7 other men are here too baby", he said cautiously.

"I have a blanket in my bag, give me a sec, till then, try to hide that boner I gave you", you say winking.

You got your black blanket and put it around you and mingi when you got back.

You slowly unzip his jeans and pull out his length pumping him while making eye contact.

Mingi broke it by rolling his eyes to the back of his head tilting it slightly.

You were stopped suddenly as mingi gripped your hips aligning himself with your entrance moving your panties to the side, pushing in slow while kissing you to muffle your moans.

Once he bottomed out, he told you to stay still and stay like that.

After staying like that for bit, you decided to clench around him trying to get a reaction.

"Oh fuck. Please don't move. Not yet", mingi moaned.

"Hyung, I'm hungry. Want to grab some food?", yunho asked.

"Who else is hungry? We can all go out then", Hongjoong asked everyone. They all nodded except for mingi and you.

"Do y'all want anything to eat?", Seonghwa questioned.

"No, me and mingi have a date later tonight. Thanks for asking though oppa", you smile while internally struggling to keep your moans in.

"Alright, mingi, please, whatever you do, don't touch my iced americano", wooyoung warned.

After they all left, you waited for a bit to make sure they wouldn't be coming back.

"Ugh I can't t-take this anymore", mingi grunted thrusting up into you slowly making you let out a long moan.

You started riding mingi slowly, gradually increasing your speed. He unbuttoned your shirt and uncliped your bra to make your sensitive buds accessible, licking and sucking on them and occasionally biting them.

"Oh mingi, fuck just like that", you moaned out.

You were starting to get tired making your hips stutter. He noticed and started thrusting up into you at full speed, increasing the pleasure for the both of you.

"Fuck baby, I'm close", mingi panted.
After a bit, you both reach your climax, cumming at the same time.

"Mmh yes, yes, yes! Oh my god Mingi I'm cumming", you screamed.
You both waited for a bit, catching your breath.

You both dress up again and hear a knock on the door. Mingi opens it to reveal a traumatized San at the door.

"I- I for-forgot my wa-wallet", he stuttered.

As soon as he found it, he dashed out the room shutting the door behind him.

"God knows how long he's been outside waiting for", mingi giggled making you crack a smile too.
Sorry this sucks. But regardless, I hope y'all request something soon because I'm actually desperate at this point. Have a good day!! Luv ya!

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