Minhwa- make up (angst+smutt+fluff)

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Why? Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn't Seonghwa let mingi be?!
"You have no right to interfere in my life hyung. Stay out of my love life!", Mingi yelled at the older. Oh boy was Mingi pissed.

"Mingi, i didn't do anything! Can you stop blaming me for once?!", Seonghwa raised his voice, his lips trembling. He hated feeling this way. Mingi was his best friend and he always put him first and encouraged him. To get blamed for hijacking his date with his long time crush hurt him really bad. He couldn't hide his tears anymore, it was too much.

"You didn't do anything??? Well explain why yeosang said the date is off because of you! He fucking told me to leave because of you", Mingi walked closer to Seonghwa, pinning him to the wall as he continued to yell.

"Mingi, think! I've always cheered you on, encouraged you to ask him out and supported you in everything! Why would I sabotage your date? It doesn't make sense mingi, why can't you see that he's just playing you at this point", Seonghwa squeaked out, feeling overwhelmed by whatever was going on.

"Out...hyung, get out! Leave and never show me your face again or things won't end well for you. This friendship is over", Mingi spat out. His words pierced Seonghwa's soul as more tears ran down his face.

Seonghwa just pushed mingi away and shook his head in disbelief as he left the younger's apartment. To say Seonghwa was hurt would be an understatement. He felt like his heart got smashed into pieces that could not be put together. It hurt so bad that Seonghwa could swear he hurt physically.

With a deep breath, Seonghwa looked at the number of mingi's apartment, 1117 and left with no intention of coming back anytime soon. Days passed and seonghwa's brother kept telling him about mingi.

"Seonghwa, Mingi isn't doing well at all. He's stopped eating, has bags under his eyes, his eyes are always swollen from crying and he doesn't show up to work anymore. I caught a glimpse of him and my heart broke for him. You should really go see him".

"I can't go see him! He told me to never come back and said that we aren't friends anymore. I won't just show up out of nowhere. He hates my guts because he thinks i sabotaged his date with Yeosang just because he said that their date is off because of me. God knows what he'll do if I show up", Seonghwa explained, tearing up at the thought of his best friend in that state.

Seonghwa's brother just comforted him and the next day, guess who showed up at mingi's door.
Seonghwa knocked on the wooden door with shaky hands and held his breath.
He heard a weak grumble from the other side of the door and it was shortly opened by a not-so-well looking Mingi.

Mingi frowned a bit but lunged forward to hug Seonghwa.
"Oh hyung why'd you leave me? I didn't think you'd truly ignore me. Don't do that again", Mingi sobbed onto the the shorter's shoulder.

"You were the one who told me to leave. And why haven't you been taking care of yourself? You look terrible", Seonghwa's voice cracked as tears flooded his vision.
Mingi just looked down and suddenly Seonghwa asked something astounding.

"Can I kiss you?".

Mingi nodded after a second of hesitation and closed the door behind them. Seonghwa softly placed his delicate lips on Mingi's. They both pulled back slowly but soon smashed their lips back together and their hands flew around, caressing each other's bodies. Soft sounds of their lips moving and teeth clashing was heard.

Mingi was feeling rather brave so he swiped his tongue along Seonghwa's bottom lip, asking for permission to enter.

Seonghwa moaned softly into kiss, giving Mingi entrance into his warm, wet cavern. his tongue roamed around, exploring and memorizing every detail the older's mouth had to offer. Softly fighting for dominance, Mingi won and smirked at the small whimpers that left Seonghwa's mouth.

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