Jongho ft. Yeosang-graduation gift (FLUFF!)

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I was walking down the halls of my university for the last time that day. I was graduating and couldn't wait to finally be done with all the late night studying.

As I walked down to the front gates, I suddenly stopped in my tracks, my gaze stuck upon a slightly opened door. It was the music room...the place where Jongho had asked me to be his girlfriend.

I was talking to my brother, Yeosang when I suddenly spotted my high school crush, Jongho in the hallway.

We made eye contact and my stomach did flips and I felt my face heat up but I turned around to hide it and regain my composure. Yeosang kept yapping so thank goodness he didn't see how much of a flustered mess I was.

A simple smile my way was shot by Jongho and I nearly folded. He started walking towards me and I thought it must've been someone else he was trying to get to but he walked past me slightly, whispering "meet me in the music room in 5".

I choked on air and before I could look at him, he was gone. I suppose my coughing caught Yeosang's attention because he was looking at me weird.
I cleared my throat and looked at him, unfazed.

"You good?", was all that came out of his mouth and I just nodded vigorously.

I patted him on the back and turned the other way, opposite of Yeosang.

"Where are you going?", he tried to pull me back his way but I just looked him dead in the eye with a small smile on my face.

"I have something to take care of. Go home without me please".
He nodded and left.

I walked down to the said room and yes, Jongho was waiting for me by the bench. He stood up with a big smile on his face, his precious gummy smile that could melt anyone's heart.

"Close the door please. I promise I won't hurt you", his voice was so sweet that I almost forgot how to move.
I obliged and looked back at him.

"Y/n, I want you to know that I like you. I mean a lot. I've liked you since high school but i wasn't sure what it really was until I caught myself thinking about you all day. The way you smile has been engraved in my heart and the way you talk to others is so endearing i couldn't but fall for you. I'll except any response you give to me right now but Kang y/n, will you be my girlfriend?".

My knees felt weak and I had to take a step back to keep myself from falling. My crush, the guy I've liked for almost 2 years just asked me to be his girlfriend.

I thought I was going crazy.
"I- tell me this isn't some sort of prank. Tell me you mean everything you said", I breathed out a bit shaky.

"I mean everything I said, i promise you", Jongho smiled at me again.
"Yes", was all I said and broke out in a smile too making Jongho come a bit closer, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"CONGRATULATIONS YOU LOSERS!!", I heard the loud voices of 6 boys jumping out of their hiding spots. They were no other than our best friends.
End of flashback-

"Let's go slow poke. We'll be late for our graduation!", Jongho snapped me out of it and dragged me to the lawn.
We took our seats and waited for our names to be called out.

Seonghwa's name was first, followed by san's and then Jongho's. The rest of our little gang was called up shortly.

Soon, my name was called too and I walked up to the head master to get my diploma.

We shook hands and posed for a quick picture with the fresh certificate but before I could walk off, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around to see the head master pointing to the stage where Jongho stood my the microphone.

"Y/n, we've been together for almost 6 years now and i think it's time I ask you the question I was supposed to ask a long time ago", he bent down on one knee and pulled out a blue velvet box from his pocket. "Kang y/n, will you marry me? Will you make me the happiest man alive? Will you be mine till death separates us?", Jongho teared up making me tear up too.

I walked up the stairs to him and pulled him off his knees and pulled him into a tight hug, squeezing him hard. I whispered a soft 'yes' and broke down in more tears.

"What did she say???", the head master asked loudly.

"SHE SAID YES!!!", Jongho screamed, getting loud cheers from everyone present.

"Yo Jongho, where's my 20 dollars at? I helped yall get together". Yeosang shouted from behind us. Jongho pulled a dollar bill and it was thrown at Yeosang who gave it to me.

"Congratulations you little bastard. You got the man of your dreams", he pulled me into a hug and I for sure was taken aback because he never liked physical touch.

I hugged him back, enjoying the feeling of my brother's presence. I pulled away and looked at him and then the bill with slight confusion.

"Take this as a gift for your engagement and graduation. Mom and dad would be so proud of their little girl if they were here. I'm proud of you. Just don't forget me after you get married", Yeosang giggled looking down but I knew he was crying.

I tilted his head up and wipe his tears.
"I'll never forget you. You're my best friend, my brother, my dad and best mentor. Would you like to give me away to Jongho on my wedding on behalf of dad?", I hold his face and Jongho smacks Yeosang on the back playfully.

Yeosang nodded and pulled us both in for a hug.

The cheers of the whole university never died down. I never felt happier. I was grateful for all my friends and my fiance but most importantly, my brother. I couldn't have done this without him.

Whatever contribution he had to mine and Jongho's union, I was grateful for that.

All our friends ran up to us, wrapping us in a big group hug. That day was definitely the most memorable one and I'll never forget it.
YO WHATS GOOD YALL!!! It's been a long time since i updated huh? I'm sorry for that. I'm currently working on a Wooyoung oneshot which I'll most likely post tomorrow. I had to rewrite the whole thing because it got deleted😭 that pissed me off so bad but thank goodness I took pictures of my work. I'm halfway done with that so I'll post it shortly. Have a good day love, take care of yourself please and in case you didn't drink water, get yourself a glass of water please. Stay healthy you guys!!
I love you

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