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The day after, I woke up early and prepared for my Celine filming. I know that any day from now, that woman from a colored group will drop something that leads to our dating rumor. I am letting her now use my name as I am gaining benefit from it. Anything for my husband. But someday, I will finally be proud to announce whom I belong to. Not to her. Not to that kind of woman.

I know also that in a few days, Bogummie hyung will follow here and he will protect me from further rumors. Oh hyung!! I remember again.

2020 came, and Jokoy and I are already married. But I don't know why he still feels jealous of Bogummie Hyung. Hyung was enlisted in August 2022. I asked Jokoy if I could send Hyung to the military, and again, we had a fight the day before that.

"No! Why? Is he your husband? Why does he need your presence? Stay here!" Jokoy told me without thinking straight again. I shook my head and hit his arm.

"What are you still afraid of? We're married already, and you're still jealous of Hyung." I told him, but he still didn't allow me. The day of Hyung's enlistment, despite Jokoy's disapproval, I sent Bogummie Hyung off to military service. Jokoy's jealousy is not in the right place anymore.

But Bogummie Hyung confirmed the cause of Jokoy Jealousy that day. We were saying our goodbyes on the day of his enlistment when he told me something.

"I have something to confess." I felt nervous when Bogummie Hyung started to say that. "But I am not expecting anything in return. I just want to tell you this and let go of it after this," he added. I stepped one step backward from Hyung. He smiled at me. Hyung is always soft when it comes to me.

"I have had feelings for you since the beginning. I care for you. I like you. I love you. But I do not intend to ruin your relationship with Jokoy. I am just telling you this, and then I will let go of my feelings for you. I am sorry that I like you. You deserve to be loved, Taesha. You deserve to be cherished and I am always willing to give you what you deserve." My heart jumped with what he said.

"I am sorry for the chaos and threat I am giving to your husband. But you can't blame me because I really like you. I am one of the witnesses to how he hurt you before, how you forgave him, how he loves you more now. How he is scared now that you might leave him. Take care, Taesha. Congrats to both of you. I hope my feelings won't ruin our friendship. ," Bogummie Hyung told me while staring into my eyes. I can see a glimpse of tears in the corner of his eyes. I smiled at him.

"I know, Hyung. I know. Thank you for loving me, Hyung. But I will only love my husband. Him only. He will be my first and last love. Thank you for telling me this. But don't worry about us. You're not ruining anything. Our relationship is stronger as the days pass." I told him while smiling. He nodded at me, and we stared at each other for a minute before he broke it, and we laughed.

"Take care, Hyung. We will wait for you," I added before hugging him. "Your confession will not change our friendship. Thank you for everything, Hyung." I told him and tapped his back before letting him go.

"If your husband hurts you again, I will grab your hand, and we will run from him," he jokingly said. I laughed at him and shook my head.

"He won't do that again. He will never hurt me again. I am sure of that." Hyung nodded at me before he finally said goodbye to enter the camp. I turned my back, leaving his confession in the same place he told me that. I am silently thanking him again for all the things he has done for me. I need to go back to my jealous boyfriend and tell him everything that Bogummie hyung confessed. I dont need to hide everything from him. He is my husband. He has the right to know.

Unfortunately after work, he was mad when we came home that night, but I ignored him. He was so jealous about Hyung's confession and kept on whining the whole night. Jeonlous and Double Bunny are so irritating and threatening.

"Hyung will be enlisted for 18 months. I cannot see him for a few weeks and months. Be considerate, will you? Time will come; we will be enlisted too, and you will understand how it feels when your friend will be enlisted." I told him that brought fear to him. We were about to enlist after the release of the BE album, and my words made him realize how important it is that I was able to send Bogummie Hyung to enlistment.

"Stop whining; I am here. Look at me." I cupped his face and gave a peck on his lips.

"I love you. You only. How many times do I have to tell you that? Stop with your jealousy; you're ruining our day. Our years, actually. You've been jealous of Hyung for 4 years already. Can you imagine?" I added. He pouted and buried his face in my armpit.

"I love you, Voo. Don't leave me, okay? Just love me, and then I will give you the whole world." He told me and kissed me. That kiss deepened, and again that night, I surrendered myself to him and assured him that I was all his.

During the whole enlistment of Bogummie Hyung, thanks to the Creator, I thought Jokoy's jealousy would not attack. But he kept asking me if I loved him. I am willingly reminded him endlessly that I love him until our next lives.

"Bogummie's love interest in me has been red flagged since we got married. Hyung never crossed his line and just cared for me. You're just afraid that I will love him back," I told him when he was mentioning again about hyung's confession. Out of nowhere. He stared at me, and tears started to fall from his eyes. I pulled him and hugged him.

"But you are my first and last love. You only, baby. I will be your forever Jeon Taesha," I assured him.

Jokoy's jealousy is still on his nerves because sometimes, when he hears that Hyung and I were talking on the phone, he will pout beside me the whole conversation until we finish talking. He would poke his cheek with his tongue and never leave my side. That's how jealous he was of Bogummie Hyung.

In January 2022, we both decided to buy farm land on Jeju Island. During the ocular, he was joking around. "I will erase all your memories here with someone, and I will fill those with mine," he told me, and I just pinched his nose. The negotiation started, and we waited for a few months to close the deal.

In February, I tested positive to COVID-19, and Jokoy decided to keep me in our penthouse to monitor my condition. He was staying in another room, and after my quarantine, he took me out for a date. He knew how boring it was during my quarantine period.

The same year, Bogummie Hyung's discharge from the military was coming. But a month before his official discharge, Hyung had a vacation. I was on our bed when Hyung tested me about his vacation. I was excited to meet him and was texting him back when Jokoy suddenly entered our bedroom. I was surprised and frightened, and I immediately hid my phone.

"What's that? What are you hiding? Who are you texting with? Who is that?" He asked me. His brows are knotted, and his eyes are glaring at me.

"It's nothing," I told him, and gulped. I know how jealous he is of Hyung; that's why I hid my phone. But that was a wrong move.

"Give me your phone." I hid my phone more and didn't gave it to him.

"No," I answered, which made him force me to give him my phone. We were fighting over my phone, and I was trying to put it away from him, but he was too strong. He successfully grabbed my phone out of my hand after minutes of fighting over it. Unfortunately, he hit me on the arm.

"Ouch. Yahhhhh!!! Jungkoookaaah! I shouted at him then he lightened his grip but didn't let go of my hand. He was checking my phone while still holding me.

"He will have a vacation and wants to meet you. And you agreed without asking my permission? That's why you're hiding your phone? Huh? No!" Jokoy said before throwing my phone hard on the floor. After throwing it, he stepped on it until it was broken into pieces.

"You're not meeting with him!" He said, his eyes spewing in fire, his teeth gritting, and his jaw clenching with his closed fist. But his eyes softened when he saw that my bruises were starting to form in my arm.

"Are you hurt?" He asked me and checked my arm.

"Don't mind my arm. Get ready for my revenge with what you did on my phone!" When I said that, we started to fight again.


PART 4/5

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