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Taesha's fan meeting for SimInvest was successful. After his Paris dating issue, he didn't often talk about it. He just told me to ignore it and he will handle that on his own. It will just subside soon. He is unbothered and assures me that someday, I hope, the truth will prevail. I am just hoping that our believers will still believe and trust us despite this dating rumor about my husband.

During my performance on Good Morning America, I was not feeling well. I had a runny nose, and my throat hurt. But I was monitored and treated by the doctor. Taesha bought me a strawberry cake as a reward for my performance.

Mochi Hyung also went to America, not because of me but because of Unnie. He needed to attend something for Unnie and also invited me to shoot something. We will release that content someday. Taesha called him to check on me because of my health condition. They bicker over the phone before ending their calls. As always, soulmates bully each other.

"Baby." I woke up to his voice and saw the most beautiful yet handsome man on earth. His morning voice is deeper than the ocean. More deep than his usual vocal.

"You need to wake up. You have practice for your seven choreo." My left hand is hugging his waist while his head is resting on my right arm.

"Kiss me first, Voo. So I will have energy." I kissed the tip of his nose, where his freckle was proudly setting.

"No. You take a bath first. I will prepare our food. I'll just brush my teeth." He removes my hand from his body and stands up.

"Why? You will cook?" I sat up from bed and still looked at him while I scratched my eyes and nose.

"No. You will. I said I will prepare food, not cook. You take a bath now so you can cook and I can prepare." I laughed at him. I fix our bed before following him to the bathroom.

My song Seven was already released, and Taesha's album will soon follow. I already watched his music videos and listened to his songs; I love them. The genre is what he loves to do and sing. Taesha didn't expect everyone to like his songs; they don't have the same vibe as mine. But for him, he only wants to release the song he likes without aiming for many views. He just wanted to express and show his genre, and he didn't expect too much. I've already listed people to whom I will give my husband's album.

The warm water calmed my nerves when it landed on my skin. I washed quickly and smiled when I remembered my husband asking me to cook our food. Taesha is not a fan of the kitchen. He mostly cooks when he does naughty things to coax me. But since I am a muscle bunny, I always proclaim that I give up easily. And he will repeat doing things again.

"Be a good boy here. I will call when we land. Please, Voo, be a good boy." He came back to bed after eating and sleeping.

A month after I released my first single, Taesha released Love Me Again, one of his tracks on his first album, and then Rainy Days followed. On September 8, Taesha's first solo album that featured Yeontan was released. The date was a combination of my birthdate and Tan's birthdate. He didn't say that, I just assumed. Haha. I gave Yeontan to Taesha in 2017. He always misses his dogs at home back then, and at that time, our relationship was like a roller coaster, and Tan gave a smile to his appa.

Recently, Tan was not feeling well. He was born with respiratory problems and could only live a short life. He had undergone a couple of surgeries already to correct his respiratory tract, but they all failed. I was worried when I left Taesha in April because of Tan's condition, but he assured me that he could handle it. So I always call him to monitor both of them, the dad and son.

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