16• Harmonal Feelings

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We went shopping after my very third doctor's visit ever.

He knew I won't spend much of his money so he had his mom and sister with us.

For I can't tell his mom no, and his sister will influence me to choose more.

They packed the vehicles with bags, and when we returned home I'm in shock to see the things that I didn't even choose.

Baby clothes.

Unisex baby clothes. Diapers, bottles and few other items.

We didn't even go baby shopping.

They made sure I'm fed while they looked though them. Getting help from Sarah and Allison who folds them to put away for wash.

Already... An mih nuh near fih have baby yet.

Maalik went straight to the office to resume working.

"Look at my nephew." Patience admires the ultrasound picture. "I can tell from my brother's big head. He gets it."

I laughed.

Cause where and who tell har seh a bwoy when it's too soon.

"What did the doctor say?" Her mom asks.

"The baby is healthy and developing nicely, but it will be a very small pregnancy so my tummy won't be too large. Only if I get pregnant again which Maalik starts planning."  I frowned.

His mom laughed. "Eh?"

"That's why he agreed to plan the honeymoon after the baby comes." I put the food aside. "Allison, can you put this up for my later. I've lost my appetite."

"Okay Miss." She says and I sigh.

"It's just Sanai."

She smiles and left.

Everybody just a tease mih suh.

"What's your plan after the wedding?" Patience asks.

I'm left staring at nothing as I thought about it.

My life was simple before, but I haven't thought about what it will be like living with a man in a whole other country.

Miles from home.

Where my friends and family aren't just a car journey away.

Emotional, I got up to leave. "Excuse me."

I rushed upstairs, though I know I'm not suppose to run.

If Maalik eva ketch mih.

He was the one who came in looking worried. The computer in hand and the phone at his ear as he's still on a call.

"Get out, please." I pointed out the door.

"I will have to call you back... Bye." He moved the phone and hung up, pocketing it and puts the computer aside. "What's wrong baby?"

"I... Just go." I sniffled.

"Not when you are like.."

"Leave mih alone!" I took up the bottle of water I always have on the night tablet and threw it at him.

He dodged it, looking at me with widened eyes.

"Gwaan nuh!" I glared at him.

He still looks shocked so I got up instead.

"Fucking stay then. A nuh my place after all." I hissed, going to the closet for my suitcase but he held me back.

"You're not leaving like this." He took it from my hand. "What's going on?"

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