Chapter 4

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The shuttle parked in front of our hotel. We got out slowly, looking around us, taking in everything. I heard her breathing deep then exhaling slowly. I didn't dare to look at her.

"I can't believe we're in New York..." I could hear her smile.

"... I always wanted to come here but never got the opportunity." she continued.

I still wasn't able to talk. I nodded, sharing the feeling of being amazed to be here, forcing my eyes to fixate on the building in front of us. I hadn't been able to recover from the heady dream I had earlier. I knew that if I looked at her she would see right through me. I couldn't let that happen.

I waited for her to move and I followed her inside the lobby. Engfa tested her english skills and proceeded to check us in and got our keys without my help. She giggled proudly as she gave me the key to my room. But when I reached to take it she didn't let go. She tugged on the card forcing me to look up, my eyes meeting hers.

"I did good, right!?" she said, raising her eyebrows, her smile making her dimples visible.

My mind was all over the place once again. Engfa made me lose my grip. Pictures from my dreams collided inside of me, smashing against thoughts of Miles and Mew. Oh my god, Mew! I didn't send him a text when I landed! I need the hotel wifi now! A sharp pain started to creep inside my chest. No, not now, not another anxiety attack. I forced myself to breathe, closing my eyes.

"Charlotte ? Shall we go to the elevator?"

Her soft voice made me snap out of my whirlwind of emotions. Her eyes grounding me into the present moment. I needed to stop overthinking. I needed to get things back on track, make amends for sleeping on her shoulder and start to act more like the professional I was supposed to be. I breathed deeper, nodded and then followed her. She stopped and let me get into the elevator first. As she pushed on the 7th floor button, I gathered my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I didn't apologize for sleeping on your shoulder earlier." I said, bowing as the doors closed.

"That's ok, Charlotte."

"No, it's not okay. You're my boss. That's not appropriate. I should have..."

"Charlotte!" she stopped my rambling. "To be really honest, I woke up 10 minutes before you and I was... sleeping on your head, so..."

She grimaced in a cute way, trying to convey that she was as guilty as I was.

"Oh... ok."

"I was afraid I had crushed you in my sleep but when I saw that you were ok and peaceful I decided to let you sleep some more."

"Thank you."

The elevator made a ding and the doors opened. She gestured, letting me get out first too. She could be such a gentlewoman sometimes. We walked into the hallway, searching for our rooms.

"You're quite talkative when you sleep, you know." she said behind me.

I stopped, blushing. I knew it, I had made a fool out of myself. The pain in my chest had fainted during our ride to the 7th floor and was now replaced by a mix of shame and something else.

"What... what did I say?" I asked, not daring to turn around.

"You said... Oh! There's your room! And mine!" Engfa pointed, going past me without answering.

Our rooms were right next to each other. Engfa opened her door, then closed it again and turned towards me.

"I should give you my personal phone number, since Sun put my other phone in the aquarium... so we can text each other tomorrow morning and get down together for breakfast?" she said.

"Oh, right." I replied. I typed her phone number on my screen and called her.

"Here, now you have my personal number too." I could easily have gotten my work phone from my backpack but I couldn't resist...

She smiled at me, something twitching in her eyes. Why did she look like she was happy about it? We said goodnight in the corridor and went into each of our rooms.

I opened my luggage, getting the stuff that I needed and got into the bathroom. I was exhausted but a shower was mandatory. The hot water coming down on me helped relax my sore muscles that had gotten tight during the flight. I couldn't help but think about Engfa on the other side of the wall, probably showering too... I started to picture her naked body under the water. I felt the need to touch myself but I resisted it. I turned off the water and got out.

I logged onto the hotel hotspot and my phone buzzed a good number of times. No message from Mew though... I opened LINE.

C🐰 : I landed in NYC and I'm safe and sound in my hotel room. I'll send you pictures of the city tomorrow morning for Miles. Love you both.

I took some time to go through my night time routine, feeling a bit lost in time. I got into my pajamas and chose my outfit for the next day, placing my clothes on the desk. I heard my phone vibrating again, Mew was probably replying to me. I got on the bed and tucked myself, turning around to grab my phone from the nightstand.

E🥭 : Goodnight Charlotte. Thanks for holding my hand on the plane. Don't go to sleep too late or you'll be jet lagged tomorrow.

I smiled like a dork reading her text. I smiled because of the mango emoji. I smiled because she took some time to text me even though we already said goodnight. I smiled because I thought about us holding hands on the plane. I smiled because she was being kind of protective over me, worrying about my sleep. And that smile couldn't get off my face. I thought about what to reply way too long and ended up writing :

C🐰 : Sweet dreams.

I blushed. Was that too much? Why was I always overthinking every little thing? I forced myself out of it, put my phone back on the nightstand and let sleep take over me.

The continuous buzzing sound coming from my phone woke me up. I groaned. I was having the sexiest dream I ever had. I didn't want to get up, even though I knew it was bad I wanted nothing more than to get back to sleep and finish what I had started in my dream.

My phone buzzed some more. I sat up, feeling my slightly damp pajamas shift against me. Damn...

H🌟 : Did you land in NYC?
H🌟 : Char?
H🌟 : Helloooo?
H🌟 : OMG
H🌟 : Are you not answering my texts because you're getting your sweet time with Engfa?
H🌟 : OMG Char!!
H🌟 : She's our boss!
H🌟 : You kinky girl!
H🌟 : For real Char, please answer me...
H🌟 : I'm starting to freak out
H🌟 : Are you ok?
H🌟 : Why don't you answer when I call??
H🌟 : Should I call 911?

My god, Heidi was the craziest friend I ever had. That was clearly why I loved her so much. My phone buzzed again.

H🌟 : Should I call Mew?


C🐰 : Girl! Calm down!
C🐰 : I just got up...
H🌟 : Oh thank GOD! I was really starting to freak out
H🌟 : I thought you had been kidnapped or something
C🐰 : Sorry, I made you worry
H🌟 : How was your flight?

Memories from yesterday came back to me. Holding hands. Sleeping on each other. The way she looked at me at times...

C🐰 : Good but way too long, I'm kinda jet lagged
H🌟 : Did you join the Mile High Club?
C🐰 : I don't know, HR booked our flight
H🌟 : Ahahhahaah, I love you Char

I opened Google quickly to check what the Mile High Club was. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Heidi was unstoppable.

C🐰 : I thought you were talking about something else...
H🌟 : Yeah I could tell, ahahah!

A new notification popped up on my screen.

E🥭 : Good morning Charlotte. I'm going downstairs early to the breakfast room. I'll save us a table and I'll work a bit waiting for you. Don't rush though!

I smiled.

H🌟 : Maybe you'll join on the flight back to Bangkok!
C🐰 : Heidi!
C🐰 : I have to go get ready for the seminar
C🐰 : I'll text you when we're done, bye!

I thought about what to reply to Engfa for a while. If I did as she said and not rushed I would have less time with her before we head out to MOMA. God, Charlotte! What was I thinking? I'm going to spend the full day with her right next to me. Really... How could I be such a simp from a single text?

C🐰 : Good morning. I'll be there in 30.

I got into the shower again. Even though I was clean from last night, my dream made me wet and I needed to do something about it now. Plus I wanted to smell good for Engfa. God. Engfa. I let my mind wonder, giving into my fantasies as I touched myself under the shower. The combined feeling of the hot water on my lower back and my fingers gliding against me was enough to make me come. I really needed to get rid of the tension if I wanted to survive the day.

As I got out of the bathroom, ready to get into my outfit, I saw a text from Mew. I instantly felt guilty.

M⛰️ : Has your seminar started? Miles wants a picture of the Statue of Liberty
C🐰 : Not yet, it's still early in NYC

I took a selfie by the window, some buildings appearing behind me.

C🐰 : I didn't find Liberty yet but I'll go search for it Miles! Kisses 😘
M⛰️ : Thanks

Mew seemed to still be angry. I was feeling less and less guilty... even though I shouldn't. I finished getting ready and went downstairs to the breakfast hall. Engfa's face lit up as she saw me. I felt butterflies dancing inside of me when she got up to greet me. How could a simple gesture turn my mood upside down so easily?

We shared breakfast as we checked today's program at the seminar, reviewing what conferences and workshops we wanted to attend. I was relieved that our presentation was tomorrow and not today. I felt too much contradictory emotions to handle more stress right now. On her computer, Engfa chatted with HR about her dead phone, hoping to get a new one when we got back home. I couldn't help but watch her intensely. She looked so fierce when she was getting serious, that was one of the things I really loved about her. The way she could focus on some task until it was done... I wondered if she could be the same in... My phone buzzed on the table, waking me up from daydreaming. Damn. I felt aroused and guilty all over again...

H🌟 : Have fun!
H🌟 : Text me when you're done... getting down on her! 😉

I blushed hard at the text. Heidi was definitely not helping me get a grip.

"Are you ok, Charlotte?" Engfa was looking at me, kind of worried.


"You're quite red. Did you catch a cold on the plane? That damn AC..." she said, touching my forehead with her hand.

I blushed even deeper. The feeling of her against my skin, making me hotter and somewhat dizzy. I inhaled deeply, putting one hand on my chest. My heart was beating so fast.

"Mmm... you're warm but I don't think you have a fever. Are you having an anxiety attack?"

"I... I don't know... I don't think so." I said, trying to calm down from the feelings rushing inside me.

"Maybe some fresh air would be good. Let's get out! We're not that far away from the museum, we have time to walk there and do some light sightseeing on our way. What do you say?"

Her smile was everything really. I breathed and smiled back at her, nodding. She helped me get up, holding my chair for me. We put our coats on and went outside. The fresh air from the city filled my lungs. I could survive this day. I just needed to breathe and keep my thoughts in check. And maybe distance myself from Engfa's reach to avoid any wanted... I meant unwanted reactions from my body.

As I was defining a plan in my head, Engfa grabbed my arm and screamed "Look! That's Bryant Park at the corner of our street!".

She squeezed my bicep through my coat and pulled me towards the park eagerly. This was going to be a long day...


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