Chapter 18

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The next morning, we took my dad back to the airport. Miles insisted on going too, to say bye once more. When we returned back home, I hugged him because he was really sad that his grandpa had to go back to Phuket. I rocked him gently and kissed his forehead. I stayed next to him and the tears poured out of my eyes, not really knowing why I was suddenly filled with sadness. He was growing so fast but was so little at the same time.

"You're sad too, Mommy..." he said with his little voice and hugged me back.

"Yes, but I'll be ok, don't worry."

"Maybe some cake will help..." he smiled at me, drying his tears.

I laughed and kissed him. Mew heard us and asked if we both wanted cake but I passed because I was not feeling well. Miles got up to the kitchen to eat and I laid on the couch, pulling the soft blanket over myself. Sleep overcame me before I could register. I woke up suddenly feeling a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. Shit! I got up and ran to the bathroom. Mew was cutting his nails over the sink, so I waited.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I... I think my period started." I said, wincing in pain.

"Well, what are you waiting for?"

I didn't know why, but I felt like I couldn't change in front of him, even though I had done it dozens of times before. It didn't really make sense so I nodded and started undressing. I saw his eyes raking over my body as I got out of my pants. It made me feel uneasy. How could he desire me in this state... Period sex was never my thing. Mostly because I was in pain for two out of the five days it lasted.

"I'm going to take a shower, could you make me a hot water bottle, please?"

"Ok, I'll put it inside the bed."

"Thank you, Mew." I said, finishing to get undressed.

I was relieved when he left the bathroom. I cried some more in the shower. It was mostly because of the pain in my uterus, right? Yeah, it was. A few minutes later, I was inside my pajamas, crawling under the sheets, the hot water bottle against me, relieving my pain. I fell asleep again, too exhausted to stay awake.

During the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve I managed to get Engfa alone in her office. I looked around but I couldn't see my drawing anywhere. Did she bring it to her home? It made my heart flutter but I didn't dare to ask if it was the case. She was already surprised to see me sitting on the other side of her desk.

"Do we have an appointment?" she asked, confused.

I knew she was trying to keep our interactions as professional as she could.

"No, we don't. I just wanted to take some time to properly thank you."

"Thank... me?" she said, even more confused.

"Yes, you know without having to look for a clever text... I wanted to thank you for the flowers, they made me really happy."

"Oh right. Your last text was kinda weird... it made me laugh." she said, trying to hide her smile.

"I'm sorry, it's hard to be cryptic without sounding creepy sometimes..."

"I'm glad you liked the flowers. I saw them while I was doing some shopping and I couldn't resist..." she replied, as if it was nothing.

"Engfa... I... love them. They make me smile every time I see them." I didn't know if I was still talking about the flowers at this point.

"And I loved your drawing, Charlotte. It made me feel really special when I realized that the gift on my desk was from you..."

"I drew it while thinking about you..." I couldn't look at her anymore.

I was still lost between the need to cry as the pain of not being with her was making my heart ache and the need to bend her over her desk, making her mine once more, whispering in her ear that I was in love with her. Damn... I really had fallen in love with her. The words resonated inside me like someone had flipped a switch. I... Loved... Engfa. I looked up at her and I saw her eyes widen. I suddenly got up, my body moving on its own. I went out of her office, barely taking the time to say "Bye...".

Miles went to Mew's parents for New Year's Eve. They would always take him for two or three days to let us party with our friends. But that afternoon we got into the biggest fight we ever had as I was getting ready. I had said to Mew weeks ago that Aoom invited us to a party held by the designer she was now working for. Mew was obviously not fond of the idea, as he wanted to spend the night with his regular friends. I offered to go our separate ways for the night but he wasn't pleased with the idea either, arguing that we were supposed to be together. Then all of the sudden as I tried to voice why I would much rather prefer to be with Aoom whom I could barely see three times a year, Mew started to yell.

"Why can't you do something for me once?" he said, raising his voice.


"You're always out with Heidi or whatever! We never go out together anymore!"

"I don't go out as often as you do, Mew!" I replied, quite shocked at his statement.

"Well maybe but we haven't had sex for months!"

"Oh, is this why all this fuss is about?" I snapped. "My dad was here last week-end, you know I don't want him to hear us having sex! And I was on my period until yesterday!"

"There's always something! If you wanted to, we'd do it anyway!"

"I can't do this right now... I'm tired of always fighting with you over stupid things! I just want to enjoy New Year's Eve and have fun with my friends!"

"You're always tired! And this is not stupid! Going to whatever fancy designer party with brainless people is!"

"What the hell, Mew?! Models are NOT brainless! How could you say such a thing about my friends?!" I was so angry at that point.

"Whatever! I don't want you to go!"

"I don't recognize you anymore... I can't do whatever I want! And I don't want this anymore!" I said, my eyes filled with tears.

"WHAT?!" he yelled even more.

"Maybe we should take a break!"

Mew was shocked.

"MAYBE WE SHOULD!" he replied, and left the room.

I heard him leave the condo, slamming the door on his way out. I got down on my knees in our bedroom, half dressed, my makeup completely ruined by my tears. I stayed there for quite some time before calling Heidi.

"Hey..." I sniffled.

"Are you ok??" she asked.

"Mew and I got into a fight... I... said that we should take a break... and he left."

"I'm coming!"

"No, Heidi. I'm ok, I'll..." I started.

"Charlotte, I'm coming! We could get ready together for your friend's party. I love when you do my makeup!" she said, trying to cheer me up.

"Ok, thanks."

Half an hour later, Heidi was there. I had the time to calm down and clean my face. I was halfway done with my makeup when she rang the bell. We finished getting ready together and I even managed to tell her what happened between Mew and I without crying again. I felt somewhat relieved even though it was terrible... I shouldn't feel like that... but I did. I truly did. I stood up for myself and my friends.

We hoped inside a taxi and gave the adress to the driver. The party was held in the beautiful ballroom of a very chic hotel. Everything was so glamorous that it made me feel really underdressed. We were greeted by a real groom with the uniform and everything. He gave us glasses filled with champagne as soon as we entered.

"Cheers!" Heidi said, emptying her glass in one go.

"My god, Heidi, you're going to be drunk in less than an hour if you keep up like this..."

"Well... you know it's free so..."

I raised my glass to her.

"To..." I was searching for what to say.

"To your freedom!" she said, lifting the bottom of my glass forcing me to drink.

I drank some but stepped back as I didn't want to end up wasted. Aoom and Meena were already there, chatting with their model friends. We joined them and they introduced us to the group. The evening went by smoothly. And even though it felt like there were hundreds of people here, my anxiety let me live peacefully. We danced, drank and ate. And we obviously talked about Mew and I. At some point I checked my phone. I hadn't received any new messages from him but I felt the need to send one. I went by my friends first then wrote to Mew.

C🐰 : I stand by what I said. I think I need some time off. I'll stay with Heidi for now. I'll be home tomorrow to take some of my stuff and some for Miles. We'll talk then about how we can take care of him.

It was a first step. I felt all sorts of things... but relief was definitely one of them. Fear also... As I put my phone away in my purse Heidi, Aoom and Meena wrapped me in a giant hug and dragged me back to the dancefloor. We danced like there was no tomorrow.

Around 11, the man who was hosting the party shut down the music and the main lights. He was the only one visible, standing up on a big chair. Aoom pulled us closer to see him, passing through groups of people. He delivered a nice speech about the next fashion week and his love for designing clothes. He thanked everyone for attending his party and wished for a good future for us all and our families, chosen or blood related.

While he was speaking, waiters went through the crowd giving drinks to everyone. When the designer was finished talking, he held his glass high above his head. Everybody cheered, drank then applauded. The music and the lights were turned back on, so we started dancing again. As I turned around, swaying my hips, I saw her.

Engfa was here, dancing with a younger woman. She was beautiful. They both were. They seemed to have so much fun, switching from sexy to goofy, laughing their asses off. I froze in place looking at them. Heidi grabbed my waist, trying to get me back into the beat, but I guessed she saw her too because she stopped, her chin resting on my shoulder.


Aoom and Meena charged towards them and hugged the younger woman. They jumped up seeing each other. I saw Engfa take a step back and that was when her eyes locked with mine. She seemed shocked. Our staring contest was broken when the so-called Nudee grabbed her to make the presentations. Aoom and Meena smiled politely then they automatically turned towards me, their eyes widening and their brows shooting upwards.

"Hello..." I said, completely lost for words.


"Hi boss!" said Heidi, trying to make things lighter.

"Hello Heidi... ahem... this is Nudee, a good friend of mine." Engfa explained.

Good friend... right... Wow Charlotte! What was that? Was I jealous? Of some girl I've never seen or heard of before? A freaking stunning young woman... My god... I was... jealous for real.

"Hello." I said, being quite cold.

"Apparently you know each other?" Engfa gestured between Nudee and the girls.

"Yes! We worked together back in New York a few months ago!" said Nudee, gripping Engfa's arm, shaking her.

She seemed so full of joy and a little bit extra. I felt like she could be a fantastic friend... if I already didn't despise her for dancing with Engfa. And for grabbing her like that... Damnit!

"Let's get drinks together!" she offered, throwing her arms up.

She started to go towards the buffet, dancing on her way there. We all followed. I caught up with Engfa, standing beside her.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm ok I guess. What about you?"

But I didn't have the time to reply. Nudee turned around, putting drinks in our hands. Once each of us had one, she raised hers, clearing her throat.

"Ahem, everybody, gather up! You all have to toast to for something good for yourself or your friends! Come on Aoom, you go first!"

"Hmm... to a great night with good friends!" she said.

"To Aoom's beautiful and revealing dress!"

"Meena!" Aoom scolded, blushing.

"Leave her alone, she's right! Your turn..." Nudee replied.


"Ah yes, Miss Heidi the beautiful."

Nudee was such a character.

"To the future!" Heidi said, winking at me.

"Come on, Charlotte, you're next!"

So Nudee remembered my name...

"Hmm... To New York, a place where you meet good people!"

I saw the smirk on Nudee's face and it made me uneasy.

"Engfa, cutie, your turn!"

What the fuck?! Cutie?! I was trying to hold my smile but I was getting mad...

"Hmm... I'm quite fond of Heidi's so I guess... to the future!" Engfa said, giving Heidi a nod and a smile.

We all looked back at Nudee, waiting for her toast. I already knew it would be something rather crazy, given her personality. She took a deep breath, put a wide smile on her face and almost yelled.

"To Engfa being finally divorced!" then she proceeded to swallow her drink in one gulp.

Tadam...?  🙈

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