Chapter 26

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I came back to Heidi's with flowers and groceries. I apologized for lying about going out for a walk and I told her about my meeting with Engfa at work.

"Oh.. You know you're right... I would have told you not to go. You put both of you at risk if you go to work to see her on a day you're not supposed to be there. People gossip you know..."

"I know... I didn't go through the main entrance." I replied.

"Good. And I would have probably told you that being completely honest with her is good but could have scared her away... I'm glad that it didn't though. She's right too, you know... You should trust yourself more and not rely on what your friends tell you... You have good instincts Char."

We spent the afternoon on her couch, watching Netflix, trying to ease my mind out of things. Around 5pm we started to get ready to go out with the girls. I put on a tiny black dress that I never got to wear because Mew thought it was too short. Of course it was one of the few things I put inside my suitcase when I left... Typical me. I decided to pair them with black Dr Martens boots.

I think I wanted to feel empowered, sexy but strong. Even though it wasn't necessary as I didn't need to prove anything to my friends... Maybe I needed to prove something to myself? I inhaled deeply, trying to stop my overthinking brain and offered Heidi to do her makeup.

"Oh yes please, Tina texted me that she was coming with Nudee too! I need to be stunning!" she said quite seriously.

We got to the bar early. Aoom and Meena had chosen quite the exclusive place, so I started to feel uneasy. Their fashion world was so far away from my normal boring life. The staff brought us to a big table and Aoom started to pour drinks from a bottle of Champagne.

"I thought you said we were going out for beers..." I started.

"Well, I might have told a little white lie. You would have never accepted to come here otherwise, Char..." Aoom looked at me with her *I'm guilty but you love me anyway* face.

"The night is on us!" Meena said, raising her glass.

"Oh thank god!" Heidi blurted.

Our four glasses clinked against the others and we took a sip all together.

"Seriously guys I was thinking that we might have to go home after two drinks... this place is way above my pay grade." Heidi said.

"Would you like to schedule a meeting with me and HR to discuss your salary, Heidi?"

Engfa, Nudee and Tina had arrived behind us. Heidi's eyes widened in surprise.

"Erm... no I'm good. Thanks!" she replied, then she whispered to me "Shit... this night is going to get me in trouble..."

I laughed and nudged her shoulder. Tina took a seat next to Heidi, putting her hand on her thigh like they had been dating for years and kissed her cheek. Heidi looked like she was on cloud 9, smiling like a simp. Engfa sat in front of me but didn't kiss me. I felt a little bit sad but I could understand why she didn't though. Nudee chose to sit at the end of the table, between Engfa and I. She looked at me, raising her eyebrows.

"Do you want to trade seats with me, Charlotte? I wouldn't want you to feel jealous..." she teased, winking at me.

I blushed and I saw that Engfa did too, even though she tried to hide it, coughing a little bit, then asking Aoom for the bottle of Champagne.

"I'm good, thanks." I replied. "I'm sorry if I was cold with you on New Year's Eve, Nudee."

"Apology accepted! You owe me, Charlotte, but I'll bribe you later. Let's toast again!" she said enthusiastically.

We toasted a second time being all together and started chatting. Nudee was really fun. I already knew that but being free from my jealousy I could see how nice she was too. She seemed to really care for Engfa and liked to tease her a lot, knowing perfectly what would make her laugh or embarrass her.

At one point, the bartender came to our table to mix some cocktails just for us. Nudee's mouth could have fallen on the table. To be honest, this man was really fine to look at. Heidi seemed to agree too, as she raised her eyebrows, tilting her head to the side to look at him pour different drinks in a shaker.

"Nudee, you're drooling." Engfa said, teasing her.

"Well at least I don't know his name so I'm not moaning it in my sleep." she replied.

And then she started to mimic Engfa's voice, moaning my name... quite loudly. Engfa blushed instantly and slapped Nudee's arm.

"Shut up!" she said, trying to hide her face from everybody.

"I'm only telling the truth!" Nudee replied, winking at me playfully.

I was looking at Engfa but she didn't dare to look back at me. She was embarrassed and I found it so arousing...

"Damn..." Heidi said, visibly clenching her fists and scrunching her nose.

"What's the matter?" Meena asked.

"I had the perfect comeback to what Nudee just said!" she replied, taking her head in her hands.

"Well, tell us already!" Aoom pressed her.

"I can't! Engfa is my BOSS!" she replied.

"I can cover my ears if you want..." Engfa offered, still hiding behind her hands.

"No, it's not fun if you don't blush at the joke... there's no point..." Heidi said, shaking her head sadly.

"Do you want to tell me so I can repeat it and take the blame?" Nudee said with a big smile, still eying the bartender as he was cleaning the table before leaving us.

"I... I wanted to say that you like to moan Charlotte's name but she also likes it when you can't... Especially when she was knuckle deep inside you on a plane full of sleeping passengers." Heidi said, putting a hand on her mouth, as if it wasn't too late.

"Heidi!" Aoom and I said in a single voice.

Engfa and I exchanged a look that was screaming *guilty*, we blushed and both looked away.

"No way! You joined the Mile High Club?" Meena said, extending her hand to me for a high five.

I didn't know what to do, I felt embarrassed... but also proud... so I high fived Meena's hand.

"Damn, girl! You don't look like it but you're a freak." Tina said, smiling at me.

"Th... Thanks." I said, blushing.

Nudee was laughing her ass off, patting Engfa's shoulder.

"Oh my god... I'm so fucking single..." Nudee said, fake crying.

We drank a few more cocktails and talked about everything. The girls explained that their trip to Japan was for a new campaign the brand they worked for had planned for spring. Aoom hoped to be able to go see Marima and her husband while they were there.

"So lucky! I miss Marima so much..." I said.

"Who's Marima?" Engfa asked.

"Jealous?" Nudee said, nudging her arm.

I couldn't help but smile.

"She's a friend from childhood, I met her right before I met Aoom. We were always together when we were younger." I explained.

"She moved to Japan with her husband..." Aoom said, looking suddenly sad.

"Aoom, you're always traveling across the world! I'm the one stuck here..." I said, pouting.

"If we could, we would take you with us..." Aoom said to me.

"If we could..." Meena started as alcohol kicked in "... we would kidnap both of you..." she pointed at Engfa and me "... and we would take you far away from your problems..." she pouted suddenly overwhelmed "... and you could let your love bloom like sakura flowers..."

Meena eyes filled with tears. Aoom looked at her, letting her girlfriend's emotions get to her.

"Aww baby! Don't cry, I love you so much!" she said and she kissed Meena, taking her head in her hands.

Meena started to moan instantly and the two proceeded to make out in front of all of us. It was nothing that I wasn't used to already... so I laughed. But Engfa and Heidi were quite shocked. Heidi's face went from being surprised to kind of flustered seeing their kiss deepening. Engfa on the other hand looked moved by Meena's reaction. I looked at her and without a sound I mouthed "Are you ok?".

She nodded softly, blushing a little and then I felt it. She was brushing her leg against mine under the table. I looked at her intensely and I saw her smirking before she took a sip of her drink. Nudee woke me up from wherever my mind was shifting to.

"Damn, those two! They always find themselves glued to each other's mouth!" she said, apparently still not quite used to it.

"I need to stop looking at them and I need a cig..." Tina started.

"I also need some fresh air!" Heidi said, looking at her and taking her by the hand.

"We'll be back in five!" Tina shouted to everyone.

Engfa's leg was still rubbing softly against mine, making me blush deeper. Meena and Aoom were all over each other. I started to feel hot inside. I dared to look at Engfa and realized that her eyes got darker.

"I'm going to see if the cute bartender is single!" Nudee said, standing up fast and leaving us.

Engfa and I were left alone. Well alone with Aoom and Meena getting it on, right next to us...

"I... I need to go to the restroom." Engfa said, blushing as she got up.

I looked at her walking through the bar. Damn her ass looked good in those pants. She suddenly turned her head back towards me, giving me a slight nod with a smirk. My legs acted on their own, as I got up and almost ran towards Engfa.

We came back to the table after a few minutes. It was impossible to miss the satisfied smiles on our faces. All the girls were already there and I knew that they were not going to miss the opportunity to mess with us.

"Are you still able to sit down or do you want me to ask the staff for a cushion?" Nudee asked Engfa.

I couldn't help but blush and laugh hard as I saw Engfa shaking her head, looking at Nudee like she loved her but was going to kill her anyway.

"I'm sorry, I had to!" Nudee said, trying to protect herself from any form of physical aggression. "It's your fault, you know, you should have been more careful and zipped your pants back up!"

Engfa instantly looked down at her crotch and I did too.

"Ahah, I made you look!" Nudee said, getting up to avoid getting smacked by Engfa.

Everybody laughed and thank god Aoom decided to change the subject.

Around 1am we decided to call it a night, as most of us had to work tomorrow. Engfa was starting to feel responsible for Heidi and I. She didn't want us to feel like crap at MOCA in the morning. We all went out and said our goodbyes. Tina kissed Heidi before she helped Nudee who was holding up Aoom and Meena as well as she could. The girls were wasted.

"Heidi can you close your eyes?" Engfa asked.

Heidi complied immediately, feeling the manager tone inside her voice. Engfa kissed me. Everybody around went "aww".

"What's happening? Can I open my eyes?" Heidi asked.

"You can." Engfa said, gently letting go of me.

A few taxis pulled up in front of us. As Tina was helping get the girls inside, Meena pulled back and repeated that she wanted nothing more in life than to take Engfa and I away from Bangkok so we could spend our days making sweet love to one another.

"Me too!" Aoom said, approving her girlfriend even though she was beyond drunk.

"That's nice of you, girls, but we have kids to take care of." Engfa said.

"Yeah... Miles is coming home tomorrow evening..."

As the words left my mouth, I sobered up instantly. Engfa looked at me, a soft smile on her face. She took my hand in hers and squeezed it gently, telling me silently that everything was going to be ok.

Hope you guys liked this silly little chapter! 🤍

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