Chapter 6

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The subway was crowded and we ended up pressed up together. I couldn't help but blush a little when she grabbed onto my forearm when the subway slowed down harder at the next station. How such a simple connection could elicit so many butterflies in my stomach? She was just trying not to fall onto someone else. She kept holding my arm for the rest of our trip underground and I tried as much as I could to look like it was doing nothing to me.

We got to the bar half an hour later. Walking outside in the fresh air had helped me calm down. The waitress guided us to our table and we ordered drinks to start us off. We started chatting while listening to the folk band on stage. Our waitress came back with our drinks and the menu of the night. We had a lot of fun, we gossiped about work which I didn't expect coming from her. I almost choked up laughing so hard when she told me about the day she locked herself up by accident in one of our vaults when she just got the job.

"Please don't tell anyone about this!" she asked, still laughing.

"Well... My silence is really expensive you know..." I teased her.

"Oh my god, are you bribing me?"


"Can I pay you back in kind?" smirking at me.

Was she FLIRTING again? What was happening? I looked at her intensely, trying to decipher her attitude and if she was just making fun of me or not. I decided to take a risk and tried to make it clearer.

"Do you think you can handle it, Engfa?" I said, daring her.

"Pasta alla norma?" The waitress came back with our meals, forcing us to end our conversation.

I saw Engfa letting out a breath but I didn't know if it was because she was pissed or relieved to be interrupted. The food looked great and tasted even better. Engfa danced again in her seat, not because of the music obviously. I was fond of her ways now that I'd got to observe them more and more. We ate, still listening to the music, and chatted about everything and nothing. She excused herself at some point to go to the restroom.

I took this time alone to check my phone. No message from Mew tonight. To be fair I didn't send any either. But of course I had gotten a few from Heidi.

H🌟 : No news? Still not done eating? 😏
H🌟 : I know you should be out of the museum now, I checked NYC's timezone!!
H🌟 : What is she doing to you? And do I need to call the cops?
H🌟 : I'm going out tonight so text me back as soon as you see my messages, I don't plan on sleeping a lot! 😘

I laughed, alone at the table. I took a picture of the band on stage, raising my cocktail in front of the camera and sent it to her.

H🌟 : OMG!
H🌟 : Are you in a bar with OUR boss?
C🐰 : Well... yes... kind of!
H🌟 : What do you mean kind of?
H🌟 : Where are you?
C🐰 : In Brooklyn
H🌟 : You're having cocktails with Engfa on the other side of the city???
C🐰 : Sounds about right 🤭
H🌟 : Did you tell her how she made you feel?
C🐰 : Not yet...
C🐰 : I do not HAD a crush on her, and don't yell at me!
H🌟 : Yeah, right you DID!
C🐰 : No... I still HAVE

Damn. I said it. Well I wrote it but the result was the same. I was still crushing on Engfa. I knew it in my heart. She made me feel things I didn't feel for a long time. I was both happy and sad about it. When was my next appointment with my therapist again? I felt my phone buzzing in my hand.

H🌟 : OMG!!! CHARLOTTE!!! 😲
C🐰 : I'm in big trouble Heidi...

"Who are you texting that fast?" Engfa asked as she sat back at the table.

I smiled, blushing and looked at my phone once again.

H🌟 : Take a risk, Char 💗
H🌟 : I know you. That's what you need to get out of your head and take control back!!!!!!
C🐰 : She's back from the toilets, I gotta go, bye!

"Heidi says hi." I replied.

"You two seem really close."

"She's the best thing that ever came into my life at work... before you arrived." I tried. At least I tried ok!?

Engfa opened her mouth to reply but the music on stage got louder than ever. I turned my head, looking at the new band who started their setlist with a punk rock song. We danced in our seats, the beat was good. Suddenly a young woman came into the light and started singing. I knew my mouth was slightly open now, as my eyes raked over the singer on stage. The tiny brunette was wearing a pair of really short shorts that were torn in all the good places and a black t-shirt with the logo of their band drawn on it.

"Beware, you'll be drooling soon..." Engfa said, raising her voice.

Did I hear her right?

"I wouldn't have guessed she was your type." she went on.

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning towards her.

"I saw your husband during the opening for last year's exhibition..."

"Well, I do like taller men but I always had a thing for slightly shorter women..." I replied looking right into her eyes.

Engfa blushed at my answer. I was sure of it now. I looked at her lips quickly then returned my gaze to the singer on stage. Could I make her jealous? I fixated on the young woman singing her heart out, biting my bottom lip slightly, making my nostrils bloom.

"And what does your husband think about that?" she asked, kind of shrugging.

"We've been together since we started college, it was never a part of me that I got to experiment with... nor a subject between Mew and I... I never kissed a girl and it always has been a big frustration in my life." I said, looking at her lips once again, longer this time. Thank you cocktails, I seemed to be on a roll now... God... help me!

Engfa really clearly saw me look now. She bit her bottom lip slightly, making me shiver.

"Would you like to know what you mumbled back on the plane ?" she asked, her eyes darkening.

I could feel arousal and fear mixing deep inside of me. We weren't just flirting anymore... we were playing. I couldn't look away now. I nodded, breathing faster. She leaned towards me. My chest was heaving even more. She put her mouth next to my ear.

"... feels good..." Engfa mimicked me, moaning softly but loud enough for me to hear over the band playing.

My pussy throbbed as I felt her hot breath against the shell of my ear.

"... mo... more..."

I clenched my hands into fists, holding my breath.

"... Engfa!" she moaned a bit louder in my ear.

I wanted to scream but couldn't. I wanted to grab her but refrained myself. Should I risk it all? She moved back into her seat, her eyes even darker than before, still looking right into mine.

"I... I'm not gonna lie. I did have a dream about you. I know I shouldn't tell you this and maybe it's the alcohol talking..." I started rambling but she cut me off.

"We should get out of here, Charlotte." she said standing up.

I screwed up. She was playing but she probably only wanted to unveil me. Now that she knew she was probably disgusted and would find a way to get me fired as soon as we would land back home.

"I... I need to go to the restroom!" I said, needing to calm myself down and pee because I did have a lot to drink between the water and the cocktails.

"Oh? Ok." she replied with a smile.

What game was she playing? Was she mad or not? I got up and went straight to the restroom. I stood in line, two women before me. I waited for my turn, my mind racing. Would have she gone through all of this, just to trick me? The way she looked at me sometimes made me think that she was kind of into me. And the way she would grab onto me... that couldn't have been fake, right?

The last person before me finally got out of the restroom. I held onto the door and as I went inside I felt someone pushing me slightly.

"I was there befor..." I couldn't finish.

Engfa came into the tiny room with me. Turned me around and pushed me against the door as she closed the lock right next to my head. Our faces were so close... I could feel her breath caressing my lips. She closed the gap between our bodies, pushing her torso onto mine. She wanted me. I felt the butterflies come back instantly. My breath got stuck in my throat then I remembered Heidi's words. I needed to take control back.

I looked at Engfa. The music was so loud in the restroom but the only thing I could hear was my heart beating in my chest. I looked at her lips, licking my own. As she started to tilt her head I turned mine, kissing her cheek softly.

Her body went rigid.

But then I pushed her face gently with my cheek, making her head turn, granting me access to her neck. I kissed her once. She relaxed into me as I put my arms around her. I kissed her twice. She let a moan fall from her lips. As I kissed her a third time I nipped a little bit at the soft skin there. She wrapped one of her hands on the back of my head, her fingers threading through my hair. I kept on kissing her neck moving up oh so slowly to her ear. It was payback time.

"I do want you but I think our first kiss deserves better than the toilets of some random bar in Brooklyn." I husked into her ear.

I could feel her shiver against me. She took a step back, breathing heavily. She nodded, a smirk forming on her lips. I was so turned on right now. I felt my clit twitching and the sensation reminded me that I really needed to pee.

"I really need to pee before we go though..." I said, kind of breaking the sensual charm around us.

She traded places with me then she turned around facing the door. Was she going to stay there while I pee? As she didn't move a bit, looking straight at the door, I guessed that this was indeed her plan. I quickly unbuttoned my pantsuit, hovered over the toilet seat and peed. I was really thankful for the loud punk rock music playing back on stage now.

I put my clothes back on, flushed and got to the tiny sink. As I washed my hands I looked up into the mirror, my eyes finding Engfa's. Her intense look was full of lust. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I couldn't wait for us to be back at our hotel.

We left the restaurant, holding hands, almost running. Engfa told me she had paid for our meals and drinks when I was waiting in line. Since the waitress worked fast she went back to wait for me but decided to get into the restroom with me as soon as she saw me pushing the door.

I got even more aroused listening to her explaining herself as we got into our coats, the cold night making us breathe steam. How could she be so damn cute and handsome at the same time?

I complained that she had paid for me twice in the last week and half, and that next time would be my turn to invite her.

"Oh so there's going to be a next time?" she smirked as she was looking at the corner of the street.

"I mean... that is... if you can handle me." I was daring her again and it worked.

"I guess we're going to find out soon." she said, looking back at me.

"I can't wait." I was so cold but felt so hot inside.

"Taxi!" she yelled, throwing her hand up in the air.


I lied! I wanted to write more today!
See ya tomorrow, readers! 🤍

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