Chapter 5

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We checked out Bryant Park rapidly and went up 6th Avenue. All of the sudden, Engfa realized that she was still holding my arm. She let go, unable to hide her feelings. I saw a mix of shame, fear and shyness passing inside her eyes.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Charlotte. I didn't realize I was..." she couldn't form proper sentences and I found this really cute. She was so eloquent usually. Did I render Engfa Wahara speechless?

"That's ok. I didn't realize you were holding me either. To be honest it's really cold out there... and I kinda miss your warmth on my side now..." What the hell, Charlotte? How was this supposed to be shared?

I saw her fight against herself to not let her jaw fall on the ground. A new mix of feelings appeared on her face until she won over them and put on a simple smile.

"Yeah, it's really cold. Let's hurry up to get warmer!" and with that she started walking real fast ahead of me.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Wait for me!"

I got up to her and we walked next to each other for a couple of blocks, until we reached...

"Magnolia Bakery! My god I used to dream about going to this place!" I said, joyfully.

"What is it?" she asked, intrigued.

"What? You don't know about Magnolia Bakery? They're famous for their cupcakes! Everybody that used to watch Sex And The City wanted to go there!" I explained eagerly.

"Wait, what? How did we go from talking about cupcakes to having sex in the city?" she asked baffled.

I couldn't help but laugh. I forgot that thai people weren't used to watching a lot of american and british tv shows like I was. Being half thai and half british, I got to discover a lot of series when I was younger, swearing to my dad that it was to practice my english.

"I'll explain later during lunch! We're definitely going there during the break!" I said, taking a picture of the small building.

We walked a bit more and finally got to MOMA. I requested that we take a selfie together in front of the entrance. Engfa accepted without any hesitation. We smiled looking back at the picture we had just taken, we looked like a tourist couple visiting New York... Damn we did look good together... I took a deep breath to calm myself down and put on a professional face before I turned around and entered the museum with Engfa by my side.

The place was beautiful. We got to the front desk and asked for the seminar. A charming old man checked us in and gave us badges to wear around our necks. We took an elevator to reach the floor of the conference hall and find our seats. I took my favorite notepad and Engfa looked at me quizzically.

"Don't you have a laptop?" she mocked.

"Well, I do but... I do like to scribble when I listen to someone speaking." I explained, flipping through the previous pages, showing her my notes surrounded by doodles and intricate lines.

"Wow! Can I take a look?" she asked, showing real interest in my drawings.

"Erm... yeah, I guess..."

"My god, Charlotte, you're really talented! I love those weird lines. Do you draw outside of your notepads?"

"Well, I have a few sketchbooks, yes..."

"I'd love to see them someday." she said, giving me my notepad back.

She opened her computer and found the free wifi from the museum. I saw her check her emails and then smile. She patted my thigh a few times saying "Our presentation has been approved by Nawat!"

I didn't dare to look down at my lap and a few seconds later she took her hand off and started writing back to Nawat. The room started to get crowded as more and more people took their seats. Someone deemed the lights as the presenters got on stage and introduced the seminar.

The first conference was fascinating, we were all taking notes hyper focusing on what the different speakers had to say. I didn't even have the time to doodle anything more than a few lines between presentations. When the host came back on stage to conclude the first part of the day, I sighed, realizing that I was somewhat still tired from our trip.

We got out of the museum and queued up to get something to eat at a food truck down the street. We went back over what we had learned from the conference and how we could use it back at MOCA.

"Will you tell me about sex and cupcakes on the way to the bakery?" Engfa suddenly asked, playfully.

I almost choked up on my reusable water bottle. Was that a way to ask somebody to go get cupcakes? I coughed a little, trying to regain some sort of confidence and got up. She followed me, as we walked back down 6th Avenue.

"Well... will you tell me about what I said when I was asleep on the plane?" Why, Charlotte? WHY? How was that question better than talking about an old tv show? My god!

"Oh... It's kind of related, I guess..." she trailed off.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry... I take it back, please don't tell me." Good job... I knew it, what did I ask for it? What would I say if she were to tell me about it? Sorry I was dreaming about making out with you?

"Will you tell me about the cupcakes now that we're here then?"

"Yes! I'll tell you all about Sex And The City!" I said as we entered the bakery.

We spent a good ten minutes inside the bakery, looking at the displays and deciding on what to try. I lectured Engfa about the life of Carrie Bradshaw and her friends. We laughed a lot and I offered to watch a few episodes together during our flight back to Bangkok.

We ate our cupcakes outside, walking our way uptown again. Those were the most delicious desserts I have ever had in my life. Engfa seemed to enjoy them too as she was kind of dancing while eating. Maybe it was because of the sugar rush but she said "Could we stay in New York together forever?"

"Well, it's a really nice idea but... I'm sure your sons would miss you like crazy."

She pouted then said that we could fly them here. We laughed and got back inside the museum. We sat down again in the conference hall, checking emails before the host took the mic once more.

I don't know if it was the cupcakes' fault or jet lag, but I started to lose focus on the woman speaking on stage. My mind went to what Engfa had said earlier. What if I was to change my life, move to New York with my son, find a job here... I couldn't do that. I couldn't take Miles away from Mew. I thought about what Engfa had confessed during the flight, about her and Apo maybe getting divorced. Was I bound to go through the same path? I started to feel pain creeping inside my chest. I put my hand inside my jacket, stroking my fingers on the spot that I knew could relieve my tension. I needed to do as my therapist told me, ground myself around a nice thought, breathing deep. A nice thought. I needed to find a nice thought.

I was lost inside my mind when I felt warmth on my thigh again. My eyes focused back on the room and this time I bowed my head to look at my lap. Engfa's hand was caressing me lightly, my ears heard "Charlotte?" and as I registered what was happening the pain in my chest vanished and I felt a wave of arousal spreading inside me replacing the ache that was just there. I looked up, my eyes fixating on hers, taking a deep breath in. I couldn't hold back the light smirk that was appearing on my lips, my pupils probably getting darker. My mind was racing, a lot of nice thoughts were coming to me now. Suddenly she removed her hand as if it had been burned by my thigh.

"I'm... I'm sorry. You seemed... lost and kinda sad." she said almost whispering.

Did she just blush? AND stuttered? Was I making her shy? No, I must have been hallucinating. Why would she? God, I was even more aroused now...

"I'm ok." I replied softly, returning my attention to the woman on stage, trying to focus on anything but my boss, yes my BOSS, as I scribbled on my notepad.

One hour later the conference was over and the host explained that we would get a 30 minute break before the workshops would start. We were heading down to find a place selling coffee. As we were walking down the stairs she asked "Were you having an anxiety attack earlier?".

"Kind of. But you made me snap out of it when you touched my thigh." I said without looking at her.

"Oh... Next time you're not feeling well, tell me..."

"That's ok, I'm used to it." I replied, finally looking at her, smiling softly.

"Well, if I can... I'll be happy to help..." she offered, holding my gaze.

I blushed a little. Was she implying something? Did she wanted to help me get rid of my anxiety or was she offering to touch my thigh? Was she FLIRTING? Oh my god, Charlotte stop! She's my boss, she's my boss, she's my boss... I coughed a little and changed the conversation onto the different exhibitions of the museum.

We had coffee at the museum's cafe. Then we got our separate ways, as we had two different workshops to attend at the same time. I was sad to be alone but also kind of relieved. I managed to keep my focus on the workshop, taking a lot of notes to share with Engfa later. When I got out, I took my phone out to text her.

C🐰 : My workshop is over, are you also done?
E🥭 : Sorry, not quite yet
C🐰 : I think I'll go for a walk in the main exhibition
C🐰 : Text me when you're out, I'll tell you where to find me
E🥭 : Perfect!

I went around the hallways, looking at the current exhibition. I suddenly realized that I was alone in New York, only strangers around me, my husband and my son on the other side of the planet. I felt weird for a couple of seconds. I didn't know if this thought was making me happy or sad. It was like I was leaving a different life. I sat down on a bench, facing a gigantic pink and blue painting. I had no idea how long I sat there for. I felt a hand on my shoulder, getting me back down to earth again.

"Hey, you didn't answer my text." Engfa said, sitting next to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I think I got lost in this painting. How long did it take you to find me?" I replied, checking the time on my phone.

"I think a good three minutes!" she winked.

"Oh... Ok that's not as bad as I thought. Wanna finish the tour together?" I asked.

"For sure!"

When we got back out the night was already falling upon Manhattan. We were both kind of tired, having received way too much new information during this first day but we were also kind of excited to be here.

"Do you want to go out for some drinks before dinner?" Engfa asked as we stepped outside the building.

I didn't even have the time to process what she was asking me.

"I mean, I'm exhausted but... I feel like I need to unwind. It's not every day that we can go and have a drink in New York City... I don't feel like going back to the hotel and staying indoors..." she explained like she was trying to convey that this was not a date or something.

"Of course. We should make the most of it and shouldn't stay inside for the whole trip. I would really like to go have a drink somewhere. Maybe somewhere with cocktails and food?"

"With some live music?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

"Even better! Let me check on my phone if we can find a place not too far away..." I said.

We spend a few minutes checking different places.

"Oh, this bar looks fantastic! But it's in Brooklyn..." I sighed.

"We can take the subway now and I'll pay for a taxi later in case we drink a little too much." she replied, winking playfully.


That's it for today! Hope you guys still like it!
I know it's a slower burn than You Know You Want Me, but we'll get to the goodies soon ;)

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