Chapter 19

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Engfa blushed so much, looking down. But we all cheered and drank up our glasses, as if what Nudee had just said was no biggie. Engfa and Apo really were officially separated? That was what the paperwork to HR was? She had to update them as soon as she could... Damn it, that was why she had taken a few days off and that she looked so tired. She must have been through so much during the past weeks...

Nudee got me back to reality, cheering again, kissing Engfa's cheek. Then she pulled her back to the dancefloor forcefully and Engfa let herself be dragged like a ragdoll. I looked back to my friends, they were all as shocked as I was.

"What the FUCK was that?" Meena said, her hands on her cheeks.

"I don't know if I like this girl or not..." Heidi said. "Like, guys, I know she's your friend and we've known each other for like three hours... but I'm really torn right now... What a character! And did you see her boobs?"


"What Charlotte? I'm sorry but I'm sure you also find her really attractive!"

I did. But I couldn't bear to say so.

"She's cute I guess... for a child..."

I sensed that the girls would start to scold me soon and I was relieved when the host grabbed Aoom and Meena by their waists.

"Hello my lovelies! Will you join me for a quick picture at the photobooth?"

They obviously agreed and excused themselves. I was on a one versus one now.

"You're mad?" Heidi asked, pushing my shoulder with hers.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Because our sexy boss has an even sexier friend?"

"She's NOT sexier!"

"Oh and you're so NOT mad." she laughed.

"I need a drink." I replied, without really replying.

"Yes, ma'am!"

We drank some more, chatting in the corner, as I was scanning the room trying to see where Engfa and her friend were. I wanted to talk to her. To ask her who was that Nudee girl and why they seemed so close. I wanted to ask her about her divorce, how she was feeling and how her kids were handling the separation...

Aoom and Meena came back from their impromptu photoshoot.

"So... did you talk to Engfa?" Aoom asked.

"No, I didn't. She's with someone else it seems..."

"She's just a friend, CharChar." she replied.

"How do you know?" Heidi asked.

"She never said she was into girls." Aoom explained.

"I saw her kissing a girl once at a party..." Meena said.

"Meena! You're not helping!" her girlfriend scolded her again.

"Wait! I wasn't finished. I saw her kissing a girl once at a party... and then she puked!"

"Do you think it's related? She seems to be quite a party-animal..." Heidi said, looking like she was torn between feelings. "Maybe I should hit on her..."

All three of us looked at her.

"For you know... research." she tried, but we all knew where her mind was.

"Well, go do that, I'll go to the bathroom!" I said, still mad.

I excused myself and went through the room. I asked a waiter to point where the nearest bathroom was. The ballroom was gigantic and the bathroom was alike. Everything seemed like it was made of marble and gold, you could really lick the floor and have your tooth decay healed. There were quite a few people inside, washing their hands, checking their makeup and chatting loudly. Women and men alike. All beautifully dressed, looking like fucking stars. I felt so small. No one was looking at me, as they were all too busy with their own life.

And then, as destiny was again pushing us towards each other, Engfa got out of one of the doors. My brain went on autopilot. Maybe it was because of the alcohol or because I was mad... But I went straight for her and pushed her back into the stall she had just come out from.

"Charlotte, what are you..."

"Don't Charlotte me!" I said roughly.

She looked at me, utterly shocked.

"S... sorry, I didn't mean to yell..."

"What's going on?"

"Where's your friend?"


"Yes, obviously Nudee." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Are your model friends looking for her?" she looked at me, intrigued.


"I don't understand... What's... Oh my god, Charlotte! Are you... jealous?"

"Did Apo and you really get divorced?"

"Don't change the topic." she smirked.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"Don't stand up to me."

"What if I do?" I asked.

"God... I want to kiss you so you would just drop the attitude."

My eyes widened.

"So do it..."

"No, I respect you."

"Then don't..." I could feel arousal starting to spread inside of me.

"Charlotte!" she blushed.

"Mew and I got into a fight..."

It was her eyes' turn to widen.

"I told him that we should take a break..." I continued.

She was still silent.

"Who's Nudee to you?" I asked.

"She's one of my best friends. I met her when I went back to school..."

"You went back to school?"

"Yes, I've never told you that MOCA was only my second job at a museum. I got back to school when Sun was born. I left my old job and took a risk. I studied art history and I met Nudee in class. She is a photography major."

"That's why she seemed so much younger..."

"Were you really jealous of her?" she asked.

"Engfa... I..."


"I really... need to pee."

She laughed. And as the gentlewoman she had always been, she turned around, facing the door. Even though she had already seen me completely naked, at least twice... but for many hours... she was still giving me some form of privacy while I peed. As I was getting frustrated with my dress, she started speaking again.

"Be honest, Charlotte. Were you really jealous?"

"Yes, I was..." I admitted.


I could hear the smile in her voice even if I couldn't see her face. I flushed and straightened myself.

"You can turn around."

She did and then she kissed me. I was so overwhelmed. I couldn't move. Only my lips were functioning, kissing her as softly as she was.

"Let's get out of here." she said as she pulled back.

We got out of the bathroom but as she led me I realized that we were not going back to the party. She walked us down the stairs, to the... reception? I watched her as she asked if there was any room available for the night, for two. The receptionist checked and Engfa took her credit card out. Five minutes later we were going out of the elevator, in an elegant hallway leading to our bedroom for the night. As she closed the door behind us and went towards me with her eyes as dark as the winter night, I took a step back.

"Engfa, wait!"

She stopped as soon as the words escaped my mouth. Looking anxious about what I had to say next.

"I... I just need to text my friends. I don't want them to worry. And maybe you should text Nudee too..."

"Oh you're right! I was so eager to get you naked that I completely forgot about them." she said without an ounce of humor.

I blushed so hard and took my phone out of my purse.

C🐰 : I'm with Engfa, don't wait for me
C🐰 : Please take care of Heidi!

C🐰 : Heidi, don't wait for me, I'm with Engfa
C🐰 : Aoom and Meena will get you home safe
C🐰 : Thank you for taking care of me tonight
C🐰 : I'll come to your place with my stuff tomorrow evening
C🐰 : I love you 💗
C🐰 : I don't know how I could live without you...
H🌟 : I love you too, see you tomorrow
H🌟 : Go get your girl! 🔥

A🦭 : Will do! 😘
M🌻 : Make her see stars! ✨
A🦭 : Meena!
M🌻 : 🫶

I put my phone back in my purse. Engfa was waiting for me, sitting on the bed. She patted the spot next to her, inviting me to sit with her. I hung my purse on the rack and sat a little bit farther than she was apparently expecting.

"I really want you to tear this dress off me but I think we need to talk first." I said.

"Ok." she replied, taking my hands in hers.

"Mew and I got into a fight this afternoon. He said bad things and things that were... true. But I got really mad at some point and said that we should take a break. He was kinda shocked but he replied that maybe we should and left slamming the door. During the night I texted him that I stood by what I had said and that I was going to live with Heidi for a while..."

She didn't say anything, letting me get through all of it, even though I could see in her eyes that she had many questions.

"I'll go back home tomorrow to get some things for Miles and I. He's with Mew's parents right now. I offered Mew to talk about how to take care of Miles during the next few weeks but he didn't answer yet... He's probably getting hammered with his friends right now. But that's ok I guess..."

She nodded, smiling softly as she seemed to understand what I was going through.

"I'm sorry, I didn't let you talk at all. Are you ok?" I said.

"I am. I'm currently getting divorced... I'm still waiting for the verdict. I officially broke things up with Apo the night we came back from New York. It took me a few days to sort things out at home which was sort of ok as Apo spent that time at some girl's apartment. But I couldn't deal with everything at once so I took a week off work. Nawat was really understanding..."

It was my turn to listen silently.

"I live with my sister Plaifa for now. I'm searching for a new place but it's quite hard to decide on something while I'm still waiting for the verdict and the settlement of our apartment... When it's done we'll probably sell the place and I'll know what I'll be able to afford."

"What about your sons?"

"Apo asked for shared custody. I'm ok with it, even though Champ is just a little one year old... Apo is not a bad father, it's just that we weren't meant to be. We fought a lot, still do... and we'll probably keep on fighting..."

"You went through a lot this past month... I could have helped..."

"Charlotte, that's ok. I had to deal with my own problems and you had to... process and deal with your life too." she replied, putting some of my hair behind my ear.

"Whatever, I should have..."

Suddenly we heard a lot of noise, as people were cheering from the party and the bedrooms around us, fireworks were exploding loudly, lightening up the sky through the window.

"It's midnight."

"I guess I should kiss you then..." I replied, looking at her lips.

"Finally..." she smirked, looking back at mine hungrily.

Good morning, readers! 🤍

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