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At first I had said we had a president but I decided to change it because this is better also because before the slaves were taken and stuff most of us were heir to royalty (yes bro we were future kings and queens) so yeah I think this better

The royal family

Here's short descriptions of the family

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Here's short descriptions of the family

Our queens name is Kaleia Einar. She's a Affeilachian. She is currently 32 years old. Her mother was the late queen Clair Einar that died at the age of 73 and her father is still alive but stepped down from his king role for his daughter to be the new Queen. She is married to Damion Jackson the second from the Jackson Family. Damion is currently 35. His Father is King Lee Jackson and his mother is Queen Aurora. They are a smaller royal family in Andie they are Louisiana Creole. They have 2 kids Princess Zora and Prince Markus.

The main kingdom is in the heart of soulaa (obviously) and it looks like this:

The main kingdom is in the heart of soulaa (obviously) and it looks like this:

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Our royal family is nothing like the British Royal Family. It's not full of rich old assholes, incest, entitlements, and all that other weird stuff ours actually care about their people. Once a year the Royal family hosts a Cotillion for kids ages 11-13. The cotillion is hosted to teach the youth to be respectful members of our society. Every kid 11-13 comes to the kingdom for the cotillion and they get to meet the king and queen face to face. For people 16-21 they go to their Debutante. A debutante is the official joining of society once those children age into young adults. So everyone in Soulaa has been to both a Cotillion and a Debutante.

The Royal family is very generous and kind. They're the reason that nobody in Soulaa is poor/homeless. They make sure no other country steals our resources or takes advantage of us. America hates us for teaching actual history because they try so hard to bury the truth.

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