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In Texas there was once a beautiful old house right on the edge of a lake surrounded by woods. No one would live there because a spirit calling itself Sifty-Sifty-San drove everyone away.

The owner goes to the big city looking for someone who can banish the spirit and he meets a man named Sam

Sam approaches the house cheerfully as he thought he'd hit the jackpot. a night in a fancy house and wad of cash waiting for him when it was all over.

He settled down by the fire for supper and then there came a soft cry from the far side of the lake. "I am Sifty-Sifty-San. I'm here on the lake, but where is the man?" Sam froze in place, and the  wind picked up, howling down the large chimney.

"I am Sifty-Sifty-San," a terrible, howling voice then called from the front of the house. "I'm here on the porch, but where is the man?"

Abandoning his food, Bible, bag, and sanity, Sam ran through the kitchen and wrestled desperately with the back window, trying to open it wide enough to climb through.

The front door slams open with a bang, and down the passageway came the loud thudding of footsteps. Then the kitchen door slammed open, and a monstrous shadow with burning yellow eyes appeared in the frame.

"I am Sifty-Sifty-San," the horrible, blood-chilling voice whispered venomously. "I'm here in the house with the trespassing man!" It bellowed

"No you ain't, on account of I'm gone!" shouted Sam, jumping through the window, glass, wood frame, and all. He hightailed it back to town faster than lightning. that was the last time anybody went near the old house on the lake.

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