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Enslaved in Maryland, Big Liz was said to be a large "powerhouse" of a woman who could carry two full grown pigs to slaughter by herself.

For this reason the slave master was deeply afraid of her, so much so he thought she might have been a spy sent to kill him.

One night, he took her to the swamp and ordered her to dig a deep hole so he could bury some treasure, but after hours of digging, when she was completely exhausted, the slave master beheaded her and left her in her own hole.

After her death, Big Liz's (rightfully) angry spirit came back to haunt and kill him, and to this day they say on the anniversary of her death she can be seen roaming the swampy land of her old plantation.

It is said that you can conjure up Big Liz.
Reportedly, you have to ride into a dark and spooky Maryland swamp, honk six times, flash your headlight six times, shout her name three times and her ghost will appear.

(I'm having fun reading these)

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