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(⚠️Mentions of SA⚠️)

In Calloway, Missouri A man named Robert Newsome bought a little girl named Celia a year after his wife had passed away to to act as his concubine

It is said that when he brought her home he didn't even wait for the carriage to stop before SAing her. This went on for 5 and a half years.

She was forced to give birth to two mixed children by the hand of Robert years after her arrival, but eventually fell in love with another enslaved man named George. Despite their relationship she was still being SA'd

One day she went to Robert and bravely asked that the SA stop, she was pregnant with her third child at this point and didn't know whether it was George or Roberts, but Robert laughed her request off and said he would see her later that night. If only he knew that would be a huge mistake

Fed up with begging him to stop, she went out into the woods and found the biggest stick she could before placing it in the corner of her cabin and awaiting Roberts' arrival.

That night Robert waltzed into her cabin like he always did, and Celia grabbed the stick that she'd collected earlier in the day and it used to warn him of coming any closer.

He then advanced toward her so she whacked him over the head, and to make sure he didn't get back up she continued to bludgeon him with it.

After she'd finished bashing his skull in she rolled his body into the fireplace and tended to it the whole night so that the only thing left of him was ash and bones.

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