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(These are like fun little story times)

In Mississippi there was once a wise woman who treated the slaves on her plantation that went by
Mama ida.

Mama ida had two daughters, lil miss and tete, but no one knew where they had come from or how she birthed them because no man nor master had ever laid with her

Tete was strange, even stranger than mama Ida. she could speak to the earth and knew things that she shouldn't. lil miss was weirder than tete, snakes followed her everywhere and she spoke to things that weren't there.

One day tete and lil miss got into trouble with the masters' daughter, they had stolen her favorite doll. the daughter chopped off lil miss' pinky and ordered for tete to be whipped.

A slave by the name of John ran to alert mama Ida, and when she followed she found her babies dead. mama Ida screamed and grabbed their bodies, holding them tightly. The master then came.

mama Ida looked up at him and shouted "VENOM AND DEATH TO YOU AND YOURS" before disappearing right in front of his eyes.

Frightened, he ran back into the house and stayed there until night fall. in the night he heard knocking on his door, he opened it and there mama Ida was in the flesh, along with her two children by her side and the slaves behind them.
Her eyes now glowing gold, her teeth were sharp, the wind howled and her babies were growling. the slaves stomped and clothes were afloat. screaming was heard all throughout the south

In the morning a fellow of the law would be sent to check on the family, and all that was found were piles of snake skin on the ground. nobody dared to go near that plantation ever again.

(Honestly I wonder if mama Odi from Princess and the Frog is based off her because look)

(Honestly I wonder if mama Odi from Princess and the Frog is based off her because look)

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She has a snake yall...🧍🏽‍♀️

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