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It is said that some Africans always had the ability to fly before they were captured and sold as slaves. However, the trip across the ocean to the United States was so traumatic they forgot how, only Toby had been one of the few who remembered.

Sarah, a woman hard at work in the fields beneath the beaming hot sun is working with her baby tied to her back. The baby starts to cry and one of the bosses at the plantation yell "Keep that thing quiet!, but when she doesn't move quick enough the overseer cracks his whip over the infant, causing Sarah to fall to the ground and her baby to cry even louder.

Toby runs over to Sarah and while helping her up he whispers into her ear: i Kum ... yali, kum buba tambe and suddenly, Sarah is floating. The Overseer is shocked to see Sarah off of the ground, so he tries to chase her on horseback, but Sarah is faster than him. She flew over the fences, over the woods, and spreads her arms like an eagle until she was out of sight and away from the fields completely.

Another and another fell from the heat but Toby was there and tired of the treatment they endured, He yelled to the fallen and reached his arms out to them. "Kum kunka yali, kum...tambe!" and they all begin to rise into the air above the head of the Overseer. They crossed the rows, the fields, the fences, the streams, and were away.

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