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In Gullah folklore, boo hags are similar to vampires, but instead of draining their victims of their blood to gain sustenance, they drain their breath.

They are red with razor sharp teeth and skeleton-like bodies, so in order to blend in with others, they steal their victims' skin and use it for as long as it holds out, wearing it as one might wear clothing.

(If kept alive) After taking the victim's energy, the hag flies off, as they must be in their skin by dawn or be forever trapped without it.
When the victim awakes, they may reel short of breath sick and very dizzy.

An expression sometimes used in South Carolina is "don't let the hag ride ya."
This expression is said to come directly from the Gullahs' boo hag legend.

(I've actually heard this story before my grandma told me and my cousin about it ima tell yall another one)

Ok so this man he had a beautiful wife and every night she would leave in the middle of the night and go wherever. Anyways the man woke up one night when she left and he looked over and saw this fleshy like thing almost like skin beside him where his wife is supposed to be then he knew that this was a Hag. So he got up and got some black pepper out the cabinet and put it all in the skin then he hid in the corner. She came back and was trying to get back into the skin but she couldn't because of the pepper. The man ended up sneaking out of the house and burning it down with her in it

(Good right yeahhhh I couldn't walk down a hallway by myself for a while after hearing this 😭)

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