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Pretty polly was set to marry young Samuel, but there was a woman named Lonna who said Samuel belongs to her and that polly tricked him. She vowed to get him back.

She went to a conjure woman by the name of Cat Woman. Everybody knew about her, most people stayed away from her.

Lonna found out that Cat woman would help her but only if she received payment. Cat Woman was a she-vampire, and she fooled Lonna into believing she needed her blood to make the charm against pretty Polly more powerful.

She then forced her sharp teeth into Lonna's neck and sucked her fill.

"When they lay away that polly girl," Cat Woman told her, as low as a whisper
"Come back for that charm and it'll bring Samuel closer to you than a sick puppy to a warm fire"

Soon after, Pretty polly becomes bed ridden with a sickness that no one could name. Samuel had every doctor he could find come to look at her but still nothing.

He knew that could only mean one thing: Lonna had put a spell on her. He found out where this Cat Woman she-vampire everyone talked about lived and went to confront her himself.

When he arrived she opened the door before he could knock, and told him that she knew what he'd come for, and for her to make pretty polly well again he would have to pay her with his blood.

He loved polly so he agreed, but she said she could spell her again any time she wanted so he would need to keep coming back to give her his blood or else.

As promised Polly got better. This angered Lonna, so she dragged herself to Cat Woman's door and fussed at Cat Woman for not taking care of polly. Cat Woman grabbed her and shook her like a wet rag.

Lonna fainted and Cat Woman thought she'd broken her neck. Scared out of her mind, she sent for the he-vampire. They carried Lonna to the canal to dump her.

A policeman happened to be walking by and saw them. The he-vampire took off but they managed to catch Cat Woman. she went to jail and was given no bail out. In the end, she stayed there so long she had no way to get blood, so she died, of course.

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