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On one cold December day, two men were traveling when it began to snow. It was cold so they needed to find shelter, and further along the road they'd come upon an abandoned house.

As they unhitched their horses a man claiming to be the owner of the property stopped to tell them they were welcome to stay but no one who had ever stayed in that house made it out alive.

Tabb said he wasn't afraid of ghosts and didn't plan to freeze in the snow, but his friend wasn't sure about staying in a haunted house so he made camp and waited through the long night.

When the sun began to rise he went to see how Tabb had fared. He peeked through the window of where Tabb was staying and saw him fast asleep, but he saw quick movement above him.

He looked up and there was a large man dressed in white floating flat against the ceiling. The man was right over Tabb, looking down on him.

"Tabb," he hissed, tapping at the window. 'Tabb, get out of there you fool!"

Tabb woke, he looked straight up and saw the man on the ceiling. He screamed an awful scream but before he could jump out of the bed the man dropped and landed right on top of him.

Tabb was strong, but that ghost was powerful. They wrestled back and forth on the bed.

Suddenly the ghost flung himself and Tabb right at the window, knocking his friend out of the frame and into the snoW.

The ghost levitated himself and Tabb onto the roof of the front porch where they began wrestling frantically until the ghost lept and threw Tabb onto the roof of the house.

"Hold him Tabb," he shouted.
"Hold him!" Then the ghost lifted Tabb right into the air.

"I got him," Tabb cried. "But he got me too!"

They were floating a few feet off the roof, still grappling with each other. And then the ghost carried Tabb straight up into the air and they vanished. He never saw Tabb again.

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