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The plat-eve is a monster described as a ghost or haint who died an untimely death. In a lot of AfricanAmerican folk tales enslaved people are beheaded while digging holes for slave owners and left to "rest" with their masters' buried treasure.

They believed their heads would then become a protecting spirit - the plat-eye, which would rise up and scare oft anyone who came too near.

They are shape-Shifters, but not very good ones since you can spot them from their mistakes. In human form for example they often have only one eye, and if it isn't one eye they are two large glowing eyes.

They have also been said to shift into animals. huge demon-like black dogs with glowing eyes who run beneath ones' legs and carries them into the swamp.

Since they were not properly buried and are now bound to stand guard over treasure deep in a forest or swamp, the Gullah along the coast of Georgia and South carolina use the Plat-eye as a warning to children against wandering and getting lost in the woods.

The Gullah legend also says the Plat Eye lives among tree branches, stalking and seizing victims who are wandering through the tideland forests late at night. Those targeted by the Plat Eye are never seen again.

(It kinda reminds me of the Mexican Folk Tale about La Llorona and Skinwalkers)

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