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Mom Bett and her son Jodi lived in a house on the edge of a grass field where the forest began. Their garden was shaded by a tall old tree that Mom Bett loved it so much Jodi teased she might love it more than him. "I love you both the same" She always said

Just before dawn one friday morning Mom Bett sat on her back porch awaiting the sunrise, and slowly it came. The sun shined on the tree as it always does but this time it was different. It was twinkling like a star-y night sky, it began bursting with light that she'd never seen before, so bright it resembled a christmas tree

Mom bett was frozen in place trying to catch her breath, and then she sees them. "Perfect Little ones" she describes them as, glowing little brown girls and boys in colorful clothing who rode the light streams down the tree and launched themselves into her Zinnia flowers.

Two little boy ones played catch with dew drops and all the little ones danced upon the leaves, fluttering and glowing like fireflies.

"The little hers and hims tiptoed on cobwebs," Mom bett told Jodi later, "Tiny sister and brother ones made cobweb swings on the branches". He wished to see them himself so the next Friday before sunrise they sat out on their back porch, and then it happens again. light pours into the tree but this time only one rode down on the sunlights' glow

The beautiful brown fairy girl flittered before them just long enough to smile at them and swing on the
cobwebs but as the sun rolled back she tip toed up the tree from one leaf to the next, vanishing as if she never was.

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