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Also known as High John de Conqueror, John, Jack, and many other folk variants, he is a folk hero who was said to be an omni-present entity that got black folks through the horrors of slavery and is always present when we need help to get through.

High John was also a sort of trickster figure, because of the tricks he played to always outwit "Old Master" and those who played tricks on him.

He is associated with the roots of Ipomoea purga, the "John the Conqueror root" to which magical powers are ascribed in African-American folklore, especially among the evenusl child
Hoodoo tradition of folk magic.

At one point High John takes a group of Black people who are on their lunch break on a magical tour of hell, where John turns everything upside down, including turning down the heat.

Then John takes the people to Heaven where the roads are tuned to the vocal parts of a choir, and every thing is wonderful beyond imagination.

Even when the enslaved people were shocked back to their horrible reality by the voices of "Old Massa and Old Miss," they had the memory of a magical adventure to pull on and keep them going.

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