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After a long day of unlucky hunting, a man found himself stuck in the middle of the marshlands for the night without a single light to guide him, so he settled by a log to rest until morning came.

The stories he'd been told of the Jack O' Lantern that haunted the marshlands began running rampant in his mind.

While he is tossing and turning, he looks over the marsh grass and notices a blinking light in the fog

"Is that you, Jack O'Lantern?" The hunter called out shakily.

"Jack, (jack jack)," a voice whispered back. He clutched his gun to his chest, the hairs on his arms standing up. He wonderechusichild had it been an echo of his voice, or was someone out here with him?

"Who's there?" He shouted, trying to sound brave and menacing. He waved his gun around. "Show yourself at once."
"Jack, (jack jack)" the voice then hissed from a different section of the swamp, the light blinked on and then off. On and then off.

A deafening silence fell over
the swamp. "Jack, (jack jack)" the voice hissed from somewhere to his left this time. The light blinked on, off, on...

There was a long, long, long silence. Nothing stirred, not the wind in the grass, not the crickets or night insects. "It's moving away," he thought to himself. Feeling safer.

"Jack, (jack, jack)" suddenly the voice hissed softly, right into his ear. And he looked up into the glowing red eyes and twisted face of the Jack
O Lantern.

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