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I got some of these ideas from @mystafied on Wattpad

- all soulaan's are in Soulaa only some live in america today

- during certain cultural holidays tourists are not allowed in Soulaa just to protect our culture

- everything is clean and fresh in Soulaa and none of the city's smell bad and there's no trash

- there's no homeless people here at all

- everythins here is original and fresh there's no lab based anything we grow everything from the ground

- Smoking weed as a Soulaan is actually a cultural thing. It's seen as a way for us to relax and ease our minds and even connect with our inner selves. We consider it a gift from the universe/god(s) depending on what you worship.

- tourist are only allowed to go into tourist Shops

- diaspora wars are no more they're stupid anyways

- many iconic black movies/Shows where made in Soulaa

- In Soulaan culture, men treat women/non-binarys as if they are queens even if they present masculine. It is not uncommon for a Soulaano to be seen holding doors open for Soulaanas/Soulaanis, holding them when their feet hurt, helping them in stores and so much more. Sometimes, Soulaanas/Soulaanis will help other Soulaanas/Soulaanis in this way as well if they so please. If a Soulaano/Soulaani is seen harming or mistreating a Soulaana/Soulaani, they are immensely shamed and disliked. It can be so severe to the point where they are disowned by their family and friends and fired from their job (if their boss happens to be Soulaan.)

- Soulaa is a mixture of old and new culture. So you can casually see a Soulaan dressing like we're in the 70s

- currency here is different from the u.S

- there's no colorism

- we call older people we aren't related to auntie and uncle (because we lost that during slavery)

- Soulaans are known to have incredible memories and can hold grudges for years until they finally either let it go or get revenge. You might as well go off the grid if you dare to cross a Soulaan because they may just get you back when you least expect it.

- Twerking is seen as primarily a dance that's honestly very healing and releases internal tension and increases serotonin and all the good feelings for Soulaans. It's not inherently sexual unless it's purposely being presented that way.

- people don't try or have interest in learning our languages because everyone understands it's sacred to us

- Schools in Soulaa actually teach kids. Kids get up at the time they're supposed to. Schools start at 10:00 AM and ends at 2:00 PM, that's a full 4 hours. This is the time the brain is more effective so kids don't sleep in class. Soulaa doing this makes us more smarter. The school work is challenging to foreigners and when they look at it they don't know how to do it but for Soulaan kids it's easy. Our school system isn't corrupted and messed up like the rest of the world and actually cares. School food is actually good because they sell Soul Food and stuff. On Fridays they have a Sea Food Boil. Kids are actually required a longer lunch break because you need time to eat and rest your brain. During your Junior and Senior year if High School if you know what your gonna be schools have to give you classes that will help you in that career path so you're ready. Schools in Soulaa actually give classes that you need for the real world

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