Chapter 1: The Meeting

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I don't own Twilight

I walked through the dark corridors, following close behind Edward, praying that I would be safe. Red eyes seemed to be staring at me as if I was not meant to be here or that I was just a meal to them. In a way though this was their home and I was the intruder. It is only natural that they would stare at me. All I had meant to do was save Edward, I didn't want anyone to fight or hate me. I especially didn't want to be killed or someone else be killed because of my reckless behavior. One young girl with blond hair, I heard Alice call her Jane, keep her eyes fixed on me. It was like I was a meal to her and she couldn't wait to get me alone and feast on me. We rounded another corner and Jane stopped in front of the door.
When the door was opened, a beautiful room was revealed with 3 thrones in the middle. The three guys that sat there looked as fierce as the sun itself. I was frightened and pulled myself close to Edward. Edward made no move to try and calm, instead his eyes were fixed on the three men in front of us. I looked around the room in hopes of finding something else to look at. My eyes landed on a pair of red eyes that stared and me with an intensity that had me standing frozen. I couldn't take my eyes off him, it was as if the world had stopped. Everything revolved around this one man and nothing else mattered. I felt like I was drawn to him, and I wanted to be in his arms for some reason. Why was I feeling this way? I was supposed to love Edward, not have feelings for a stranger.
He moved toward me, till he was standing in front of me and leaning closer. My lips were only a heartbeat away, just the slightest movement and we will be kissing. There was something in me saying that I should kiss this man, but the logical side told me that it was Edward I should be with. My mind is torn between Edward and this stranger, and I couldn't move, I was frozen on the spot. It was like he was mine or something. All I could do was stare at this gorgeous creature. I was pulled from my reverie when Edward pulled me back to him and wrapped his arms around my body in a protective movement. I looked at him and he looked angry. Oh no, this wasn't good. Leave it to me to mess things up.

"My dear Edward, your business here is finished. The girl knows about us." The guy in the middle said.

"My lord she comes with me," Edward said. What was he talking about? I would always go with Edward.

"You are mistaking dear Edward, I make the decisions here, not you." The king said to him. This was not good. Was the king going to force me to stay here?

"Aro, she is mine. Caius you but out, I know what you are thinking, you too Marcus, you have no business telling me who my bride is. You are not taking my bride away." Edward snarled.

"You are mistaken, she is not your mate, she is Alec's mate. I'm sure you saw the reaction just now when she looked into his eyes. They are true mates and she will stay here. She will not go back to forks and we arrange a fake death. Of course, you guys will have to move." Aro snarled at him.

"I said that Bella comes with me," Edward growled.

"I thought that I made myself clear, the girl stays here. She will never return to forks." Aro snarled.

I fell to my knees in despair, I would never see my home again. I began to heavily sob, I looked around to see Alice was already gone, but Edward remained unmoved. He did not try to comfort me. Why was Edward acting this way? I thought for sure that Edward would comfort me and take me from this place and keep me from being taken. How could I be so wrong? Did Edward never really love me? My tears fell faster and my heart crashed to the floor and shattered. Nothing made sense and nothing seemed right. Why was this happening, if I had just stayed in Forks maybe I would have been safe. Arms locked around me and I immediately calmed, but when I saw who it was I began to struggle. It was Alec. Why was he holding me the way that he was?

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