Chapter 19 : The Reunion

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"Alec do you remember me?" I asked.

"I think so." He replied.

"I think that we all remember you and Serena has some explaining to do." Aro said.

Alec moved toward me, but Serena stopped him and licked the lobe of his ear, as if claiming him. This stilled his movements, and he looked at her with some love in his eyes. It appeared that they had been together long enough for him to gain feelings for her. I ripped my eyes from the scene and fled to my room where I sank to the floor in tears. For the first time in over 200 years I could feel the darkness seeping into my soul. I was falling back into a black hole where there was only me and my sadness. I didn't have Alec and I never would, it was clear that whatever feelings he had for me were gone and in there place was his love for Serena. Her spell may have worn off but her plan had worked and Alec had fallen in love with her the fourth Volturi ruler. The woman who took my place and took my life from me.

I looked up when I heard the door to my bedroom open with a bang and there stood Alec looking furious, hurt, betrayed, and sad. What right did he have to have those feelings, he was the one that hurt me, not the other way around. He slammed the door shut behind him and didn't give me any room to talk before his lips were on mine in a desperate kiss and he pushed against the wall where his hand found my butt and lifted me up to wrap my legs around his waist and he hiked the dress I was wearing up around my waist. He began grinding into making me want him. His hands left my butt and went up to my breast and roughly massaged them. I pulled from his kiss knowing that we needed to talk before this went any further.

"What about Serena?" I asked.

"She is being held prisoner until we meet with Aro. He wants you to decide her fate." Alec replied.

"Why me?" I asked.

"You are technically the real fourth ruler, and they need all four rulers to make the decision about her fate." Alec replied.

"Does that mean that you remember me and the truth?" I asked.

"Yes I remember everything now. It hit me when I seen you run away. I couldn't find you and it scared me when I felt the emotions you were feeling, so I rushed to your side." Alec said.

"So you still love me?" I asked.

"Yes, and if I am correct I haven't had my mate in over 200 years, and I want her right now." Alec practically growled out.

He kissed me softer this time and his hands moved to the back to the dress and unzipped the dress and it was off of me in a flash. This brought back so many memories and how it made so happy to finally be with the man that I loved so deeply. I pulled his cape off and then his shirt. He continued to grinded against my clothed core and I wanted nothing more than to unite with him, but I also knew that making Aro wait was a mistake. I pushed against Alec's chest to try and put some distance between us and headed for my bathroom only to be pulled back against his chest.

"I said I wanted my mate." Alec growled and roughly grouped my breast.

"What about Aro, you can't make him wait." I said.

"Aro will wait trust me. I think he has a pretty good idea of what we are doing up here." Alec said and the way that he talked brought back memories of the other times we made love.


It was early in the morning, but we had yet to move from the bed. I never wanted to leave, I was finally in my little peace of heaven and I wanted to stay there. I finally had Alec with me and that was the way that it was meant to be. Alec pulled me into another kiss as he crawled on top of me. I kiss him back fiercely, and my hands made their way down his bare back. I pulled him closer to me and his hands wandered up to my breast and massaged them, but that's where he stopped, because someone started banging on the door.

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