Chapter 8 : Wedding Day

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I woke up early in the morning to find that Alec was gone. Today we were getting married, and I would finally be with my mate forever. I wasn't going to let anything interfere with my life. I wish that Aro would send Amelia away, I can't stand her, and I don't want her near Alec, ever. I stood up and stretched my arms. I looked around and saw someone had brought my wedding dress in, and all of the accessories. They had also brought in curling irons, hairspray, bobby pens, and etc. I walked into the bathroom grabbed a towel and sat it on the sink. I turned the water on as hot as it would go and stepped into the shower. After finishing my shower, I got out and dried off. I blow dried my hair and walked to my room. I found a zip up dress and put it on. I was ready to go.

"I see you are finally cleaned up." I whirled around to see Jane.

"Geez, Jane. Don't sneak up on me like that. Are you trying to kill me?" I asked.

"Technically you can't die, you are a vampire after all. The only thing that can kill you is fire." Jane replied.

"Smart ass." I said.

"I am here to do your hair in case you were wondering." Jane said.

"Actually I was wondering that. I was hoping that was the only reason that you were here." I replied.

"Yep. Heidi is finishing up the decorations as we speak and Demetri is picking up your cake." Jane said.

"You know, you don't have to do all of this. I mean I can handle some of this myself." I said.

"Bella, it is you wedding. You let everyone else do the work and you relax." Jane said.

"Jane, you guys really don't need to go to such lengths to try and help me all the time. " I said, but she just smiled.

"Just sit. I need to do you hair so that I Heidi can come up and do your makeup." Jane said.

I sat quietly in my spot and let Jane fix my up my hair

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I sat quietly in my spot and let Jane fix my up my hair. First she curled my hair into beautiful long curls, then she teased my hair. After she was finished teasing she pulled out bobby pins and pinned up part of my hair and attached a crown to the top of my head. She sprayed my hair with hair spray and then smiled.

"Your hair looks amazing Bella." Jane said. I looked in the mirror and she was right, my hair looked amazing.

"Thank you Jane. I love my hair." I said.

"You are welcome. Heidi is on her way up right now to do your makeup.

"Oh boy, this isn't going to be something extravagant, is it?" I asked.

"Knowing Heidi, she will probably go all out, she normally does." Jane replied.

"I just want something simple, that is all that I want. I don't want to look prefect." I said.

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