Chapter 18 : Alec's See's The Truth

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I watched as Adrian fleet from the room to get the Queen and my vision continued. They were only an hour a way, which meant that I was seeing through Alec's eyes and that meant that our bond was still active. I saw the future though and all that it held was destruction. I would be forced to kill Alec to protect Amarilla and in turn Serena would attempt to kill me resulting in her demise. The battle almost seemed futile and would result in the demise of the Volturi. Amarilla killed the three brothers to protect me. She ripped their heads off and burned their bodies.

The Cullen's made an appearance in an attempt to protect the Volturi and I was forced to kill my closet friend Alice and Rosalie. The scene was horrible and wanted nothing more then rip my eyes from what I was seeing. Rose was pregnant but still fighting. I didn't want to take that special gift from her. I had wanted nothing more than for her to be happy.


Alec had stiffened behind me, frozen to the very spot that he stood. I turned to look at him and all I needed to was read his mind, and there it was. He really was with her, and he really did love her, but he left her. Maybe she was right, maybe he would leave me to. I jerked from his arms and ran from the room. I followed Rosalie's scent, I wanted to give her the gift before running away, never to be seen again. Hopefully I would be killed, because without Alec I was lost. I had tried with Edward, but he cheated. I found Rosalie's room and walked in and she was alone, good.

"Bella what are you doing here?" She asked.

I didn't say anything, I just stepped forward and pressed my hand to her stomach. My hand glowed a light pink and I felt her insides swirl. She fell to the floor and screamed in pain. I didn't realize that my gift would hurt her so much. I looked down at her ready to apologize when Emment stormed into the room.

"What did you do to my Wife?" He snarled, as he helped Rosalie up.

"I give her the gift of child birth." I said, and they both looked at me shocked.

"So you mean that I can have children?" Rosalie asked, tears ready to fall, but would never fall.

"Yes, you can have children now. Please enjoy gift." I replied and she hugged.

I was glad that I could give Rose something that will make her happy forever. I had longed to give her something that would change who she was, and give her a reason to live. I wanted to go to Alec and talk to him about things, but I was afraid of rejection. I wandered the halls for what seemed like hours. I don't know what I was looking for exactly I just knew I wasn't ready to go back to our room yet. I looked around me for any signs of Alec, but I didn't see him. I hadn't realized I was looking for him, till I started thinking about him. I fleeted to the throne room, hoping that Aro know where he was.

End Flashback

That was the first time that I was truly happy to finally give Rosalie something that she wanted more than anything in the world. There were so many things that happened while living in Volterra that had made me so happy and I could never forget. There was times that I felt like all I did was live in that past, but it was so hard not to forget the good things that had happened, like the day Aro had informed me that I was becoming the fourth ruler.


"Bella, how would you like to be the fourth Ruler of the Volutri. You would be queen." Aro asked.

Me the fourth ruler of the Volturi, this was amazing. I wasn't sure what to say. I just stared stunned. I looked around the room to see that all the vampires were shocked. The Cullen's were shocked as well, but they quickly recovered and were smiling broadly. I guess they were keeping to there word, they were going to be members of the Volturi. I looked at Alec and he was smiling broadly. He was so happy and so was I, this was changing my life. I had never dreamed that becoming a vampire would lead to finding my true mate, being the strongest vampire in today's world, and the fourth ruler of the Volturi and ruler of the Vampires. I looked into Alec's eye's and I could see the world. I seen our future and what it held for us, I seen our happiness, and our wedding. There was no doubting now that Alec was the one for me and nothing could change that. I was so happy to finally be at peace, and Terra was out of the picture and Caius could no longer cause any harm to me, at least not without upsetting Aro. I realized that I had more powers than any vampire put together and that I was a great ally to the Volturi and that is why Aro wants me to be the fourth leader. This day could not get any better. I looked at Aro and he was still waiting on my answer and I think that we both knew what my answer was going to be, he just wanted me to say it out loud so that everyone could hear it. I smiled great big, and let my voice speak out what everyone was waiting to hear.

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