Chapter 22 : My Second Marriage

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We had been home for a couple days now and I had done everything that I could to avoid Jane and Heidi. They were desperate to taking me shopping and they managed to get Alice and Rose in on it. The four of them would find me eventually, but I could try and hide it. Me and Alec are getting remarried tomorrow, which I am happy about. It will just be a small ceremony, and no reception. We are technically just renewing our vows to each which was a nice thing.

I wondered the halls in search of Alec, hoping that I would be able to see him one more time before the wedding. No matter where I looked though I could not find him. I would say that he isn't aloud to see me till tomorrow which really sucks because I miss him a lot. 

"There you are Bella, I have been looking all over for you." Alice said as she bounced up to me.

"I told you that I go by Isabella now." I said. 

"Yes I know that is what you said, but I am just so used to calling Bella." She said.

"Well I know what you are used to, but I like Isabella better now." I said.

"Alright, Well Isabella we have shopping to do. First off you need a wedding dress for tomorrow, you need updated clothes and jewelry, and honestly you could use a haircut and spa day." She said.

"Alice please don't drag me out to go shopping. We will be out all day." I whined.

"I have not seen you over 200 years, so you will go with me or I will call you Bella all the time." Alice said.

"Why must you be so cruel to me?" I asked.

"Because Isabella you have been away from civilization for far to long and you need to get out and be a vampire." She said. 

"First off Alice there is no possible way to be normal. Second do you even know if it is cloudy out or not?" I asked.

"Yes, I actually took the liberty of looking outside before hunting for you. Now I am tired of you dodging everyone. It really isn't healthy." Alice said.

"I'm a vampire, we don't get sick." I said sarcastically.

"It was a metaphor." She said.

Alice grabbed my arms and forcibly dragged me down the steps and to my dome. She pulled to the throne room where the others were waiting after getting permission. They all squealed in delight when they seen my and came toward me. I looked at Aro and begged him with my eyes to help me, but he just grinned.

"You ladies have fun and be careful." He said. Little traitor.

The drug me off and into town. The first place that Alice took me was a wedding shop, to get a dress and shoes. I picked out a dress that was simple, but beautiful. I was knee length and strapless, and the top was covered in gems. I picked out simple plain white high heels and pearl jewelry. Jane had begged me to pick something more elaborate, but I told her she was lucky that I even agreed to come out in the first place.  

As soon as everything was paid for and the Demetri returned after taking my bags to my room Jane dragged me to a clothing store where we spent hours trying to find different outfits for. I lost count of how many different ones that she forced on me and everyone of them I hated. Yes I could do some fashion, but this was too far for me. 

"Bella you need to try and pick something at some point, because we have to go the lingerie shop." Rose said.

"I am not wearing lingerie." I said.

"You will for you husband though." Rose said and this made me wish I could blush.

"Shut up." I said and stomped of with some clothes.

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