Chapter 5: Fourth Volturi Ruler

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Me the fourth ruler of the Volturi, this was amazing. I wasn't sure what to say. I just stared stunned. I looked around the room to see that all the vampires were shocked. The Cullen's were shocked as well, but they quickly recovered and were smiling  broadly. I guess they were keeping to there word, they were going to be members of the Volturi. I looked at Alec and he was smiling broadly. He was so happy and so was I, this was changing my life. I had never dreamed that becoming a vampire would lead to finding my true mate, being the strongest vampire in today's world, and the fourth ruler of the Volturi and ruler of the Vampires. I looked into Alec's eye's and I could see the world. I seen our future and what it held for us, I seen our happiness, and our wedding. There was no doubting now that Alec was the one for me and nothing could change that. I was so happy to finally be at peace, and Terra was out of the picture and Caius could no longer cause any harm to me, at least not without upsetting Aro. I realized that I had more powers than any vampire put together and that I was a great ally to the Volturi and that is why Aro wants me to be the fourth leader. This day could not get any better. I looked at Aro and he was still waiting on my answer and I think that we both knew what my answer was going to be, he just wanted me to say it out loud so that everyone could hear it. I smiled great big, and let my voice speak out what everyone was waiting to hear.

"Yes, I would love to be the Fourth leader of the Volturi, and thank you for offer me this chance to be a great ruler. I can't wait to rule next to the greatest vampires to ever live." I said, and I heard applause and Aro smiled. 

"That is wonderful news. I would like to hold a coronation for you. When would you like to do this?" Aro asked.

"I would like to have it after I marry Alec, because I want to be announced as his wife as well. " I said. 

"That sounds like a terrific plan. When would you like to have the wedding my dear?" Aro asked. 

"Alec when do you want to have the wedding?" I asked.

"I would like to host the wedding as soon as possible. Do you think that you could have everything planned 3 days from now?" Alec asked.

"I am sure with the help of Jane and Heidi I can get everything put together, and I get the feeling that they will have a lot of fun planning the wedding to. Seems that kind of stuff is right up there ally." I replied.

"Yes, Jane and Heidi love planning weddings and ceremony's." Alec replied.

"That is great news. So I am to assume that next week on Friday we can hold the coronation, or is that to soon?" Aro asked. 

"No that's not to soon. I can have Heidi and Jane help me with that as well." I replied. 

"Great. You guys are dismissed. Have a good day. I will summon Jane and Heidi and have them meet with you tomorrow morning. It will give you and Alec so time to make up." Aro said and I gave him a big smile.

Alec didn't give me time to say anything else, he picked me up and fleeted from the room. I watched as the hallways passed by in nothing more than a blur. I could hear faint voices of people talking, but we were moving to fast for me to make out their words. Things in my life were changing, but I honestly feared the wrath of Caius, because he could be a terrifying vampire. We entered Alec's room and he laid me on the bed and I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"I am going to have Jane take you shopping tomorrow. You probably need some clothes." He said with a smile.

"Yeah I do. I have been wearing the same clothes for a while." I replied.

"Well lets get you in the shower." He said.

"Only if you come with me." I said with a suggestive grin.

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