Chapter 12: Coping and Learning

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I was terrified of what Amarilla had just done. She killed Abdul and Titania without question. I understand that they had betrayed, but I feel like they should have been given a fair trail first. Being alone, and after being betrayed by Abdul made miss my dear Alec all the more. I loved him with everything in me, but that would not change the fact that Serena won. She took my man and next she will destroy me. She was after all a Fairy Vampire hunter. 

"I hope that I didn't scare you Isabella." Amarilla said.

"No you didn't scare me, I was just a bit startled." I replied. 

"You have to understand, when someone betrays me I don't wait for a trail. If waited for a trail I would run the risk of the person escaping and trying to kill me again." Amarilla said.

"I can see why you would do what you did then." I replied.

I thought back to the day that Alec and I had wed and how Serena had tricked them all into her lies and wondered if Amarilla had been in that position if she would have spared me. I couldn't help but wonder what Alec was doing and how he was feeling. I wondered if I would ever see him again or not, but the way that it looked I would never see him again. 

"Are you thinking about your dear Alec?" Amarilla asked. 

"Yeah I really can't seem to get him off my mind. I wish that I could see what he was doing." I replied. 

"You can see what he is doing, and I can teach you." Amarilla said.

"How is that possible?" I asked.

"Though Alec does not remember you, the bond that the two of you hold still remains strong." Amarilla said.

"I can't help but love him and I just wish I could be see his face again." I said.

"It is possible to see him again through Astrial projection. Follow me." She said.

I did as she said, but keep quite. I knew that there was more that she wanted to tell me and because of this I keep quite. If what she was saying was truly possible then I could truly see Alec again, he just wouldn't see me and even if he did he would not remember me. I walked behind her as she led me down a dark corridor and into a chamber. There was drawings on the one that depicted Astrial Projection and there was crystals of all colors on the walls and all different shapes and sizes. 

"This is the room of knowledge and travel. Here you can project your soul to any place in the universe." Amarilla said.

"How do I do this?" I asked.

"Every Fairy Vampire has the ability to travel outside their body and go anywhere in the universe, just have to do it in this room. This room isn't used very often and no one will bother you while you are here. To travel outside of your body you need to mediate and concentrate your energy into where you want to go and who or what it is you are looking for." Amarilla said.

"That doesn't sound to hard." I said.

"Just keep in mind that if you are seen by someone with the ability to see souls, they can kill you. If you die during astrial projection there is no coming back ever and you will fall into purgatory." Amarilla said. 

"That is scary." I said.

"You don't have to worry Serena won't be able to see you and no one in the Votluri will be able to either.  Over the next couple of centuries I will teach you to control your powers and to travel greater distances than just Italy and when you are ready I will announce that you are the princess of this temple and that you will succeed me in the coming years." Amarilla said. 

"Are you serious?" I said a bit shocked. 

"Yes. Now concentrate on Alec." She said.  

I wanted to question her some more, but I wanted to see Alec more. I sat in the middle of the floor and concentrated on what I wanted to see. It did not take long for my body to relax and my soul to leave it. I could see my body from where I was and looked next to me to see Amarilla smiling.

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