Chapter 15: The Discovery

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I made my way up to the top of temple and as the later stated there was no guards. In fact the whole place was abandoned. I looked to end of the corridor and saw the golden doors and walked to them, they opened with ease. I walked in and in the center of the room lay a single tome, and it was old. I opened the book and began to read.

A long time ago when the world was filled with magic, there was a clan of that sought to become stronger, and doing so this lead them to vampires. Many female fairies mated with male vampires and bore them heirs. This created fairy vampires. The only problem with fairy vampires is that every fairy vampire was powerful, they could control anything in this universe, can kill at will, make someone fall in love, and even bring the dead back. The first fairy vampire created was Amarilla, and she became their queen.

Not every fairy that mated with a vampire bore a special child, only a select few gave birth to a hybrid, and the others gave birth to a fairy with vampire DNA, but wasn't a vampire. That would explain why others emerged after all this, I thought to myself. I continued to read. Just like vampires, fairies are immortal and they are strong, but nothing like a vampire. The mating was banned when the fairy king determined that it was to dangerous for the blood lines to mix.

Amarilla began building her kingdom with her mate Jax. Jax was the first vampire to ever exist and he chose Amarilla as his bride because she was the beautiful creature he had ever seen, that I he couldn't help but feel drawn to her beauty. The two had mated, but the power that the two possessed was uncanny. Amarilla had become blood thirsty and craved the thrill of killing her victims.

She ruled her kingdom in fear and with no mercy. All the females were subjected to gruesome tortures that destroyed any semblance of beauty. She would bath in the blood of her victims and Jax would always join her. Anyone who even attempted to oppose them was killed on the spot without mercy. Amarilla and Jax had become will known around the world and many kingdoms had sought to destroy them.

It had become clear that the two were extremely dangerous. Thousands of men and women were killed at the hands of the Amarilla and Jax, and many kingdoms fell at their hands. It was certain that they had brought the human race to their knees and would rule the immortal world for eternity. That seemed to be the fate until Aro and his brothers rose up as kings and declared war on Amarilla and her race of Vampires.

Many of the fairy vampires fought against the guard Aro and his brothers created, but they all fell including Jax. With the remaining fairy vampires Amarilla fled and went into hiding. She had realized how dangerous she had become and chose to remain in solitude. Her selfish ways and blood lust had destroyed thousands like her and took her mate.

This made think back to what Caius said and the truth of his words began to sink in. Fairy vampires were dangerous and I couldn't let Amarilla have that kind of power again. It would mean the end of all things everywhere.


"Now Bella you have an incredible power. We understand that you are a shield, you can read minds if you choose, and that you are a Fairy Vampire. While your power as a Fairy limits you to nothing in this world, it is also very dangerous." Aro said, I looked at him confused.

"I don't understand how my power can be so dangerous." I said.

"That is where the problem lies. You can make love potions, potions of death, or any potion. All of them work on Vampires. You can use spells of any sort, you bend the elements of earth to your will. Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, trees, grass, stone, storms, and metal. You can even use your power to target someone and kill them. You are dangerous Bella, and you need to understand that, and you always need to learn to control you anger. I had to kill the last Fairy Vampire, because she threatened to expose our kind." Aro said. That is when I realized that my body was glowing lavender, and some vampires were cringing. I calmed my nerves, and the glowing disappeared.

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