Chapter 11: The Pain of Betrayel

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I made it to the temple to find that the Queen was waiting on me. I should have known, she normally knows everything that goes one. She even knew that I was coming here. I walked up the steps and tears began flowing from my eyes. She enveloped me a hug and attempted to calm me down with soothing words. I knew that here I would always be safe with her.

"What troubles you my daughter?" Amarilla asked me. 

"It is Abdul." I said.

"So it is true, my right hand man has finally taken a shine to another woman." Amarilla said. 

"Yes, it is true. The only thing is, I still love Alec and I always will." I said.

"I understand that, but that does not mean that you cannot be with another." Amarilla said.

"I feel like I would be betraying Alec." I said.

"He is married to another woman. It is okay for you to be with another until the time comes for you and Alec to be together." Amarilla said.

"Yes, but then I would be break Abdul's heart." I said.

"You deserve to be happy." Amarilla said. 

"I guess you are right, and to be honest what are the odds that Alec will ever remember me. In fact none of them have any idea where I am or who I am." I said.

"Just remember there may come a time when Aro and his people find me again." Amarilla said.

"I understand. I think I am ready to sleep a little." I said. 

"Of course. Let me show you to your room." Amarilla said.

I followed her into the temple and into my room. It was the most beautiful room I had ever seen. The bed was a plush pillow top with a four poster frame and was draped with beautiful gold linings. There was a beautiful solid oak dresser and the closet was full of clothes and shoes. There was a makeup catty sitting in the corner and filled with beautiful makeups. 

"Do you like it?" Amarilla said.

"Yes, I love it." I replied.

"I will be in the room next door if you need me." Amarilla said.

I nodded my head and watched as she left. I laid on the bed and I just stared at ceiling wondering why things had changed so drastically. One minute I was with Edward, and then he left. Then I was with Alec who left me to, we even got married. It seems like a whole different life. I don't even have a family, because they don't remember me. Part of me wishes that Serena skipped someone that knew me, but I knew better than to think so. I let myself drift off into sleep, even though it was still daylight out.

When I woke up, it was dark and everything was quite. I stood up and made my way to the large window in my room and looked down. I saw Abdul in the courtyard and I figured I would go talk to him. I fleeted from my room and to the courtyard, but I stopped just before the entrance and hid myself. Abdul was with another woman and they seemed to be having a heated discussion.

"Titania I know how you feel and it won't be long now." Abdul said.

"What about that foolish girl you made out with." Titania asked.

"She means nothing to me. The Queen considers her a daughter. It is the perfect time to get close to the queen and take out revenge." Abdul said. Revenge?

"If she had been more careful in the past I would not have lost my twin sister and you would not have lost your twin brother." Titania said. 

They were angry because Aro killed their loved ones, and now they wanted Amarilla out of the way. They most likely want to mount an attack against Aro and his people to get revenge and they know that Amarilla would never allow it. I had to warn her of there plan. 

"What about the girl. She thinks that you will be her new mate and she plans to tell you this as well." Titania said.

"Don't you worry my little Queen fairy,  I will let her think that she is my true mate to get closer to the Queen. I will finally be able to get the Queen alone to ask for permission to marry Isabella and then I will kill her." Abdul said.

"Yes that's a wonderful idea. I saw them talking today and the queen holds dear Isabella to highest possible honor. She loves that girl like her own daughter and that will be her downfall. Just remember that I am yours." Titania said. 

"I know my beautiful flower. You are my true mate and you always have been, and soon we will rule this world together." Abdul said. 

I stole a quick glance at the two, and they were kissing. So they were together, God I am such a fool. Titania was the most beautiful creature I had ever set eyes on. She had unnatural blue hair and lavender eyes. Her wings were a beautiful Gold and lavender, and skin was just as tan as his. They were a perfect match and I should have seen it before. He was to good to be true. 

I ran as fast as the wind would take back to the temple. I went straight to the Queens door and knocked. There was no answer, so I peeked inside and the room was empty. I ran to the throne room that sat right outside on the top of the temple. There I found the Queen just starring up at the stars.

"My Queen Abdul cannot be trusted. He is a Traitor." I said.

"What are you talking about. Abdul is my right hand man?" The Queen asked.

"Yes Isabella, what are you talking about?"Abdul asked as he entered the room with Titania.

"Always nice to see you Abdul and Titania." The Queen said.

"I was in the courtyard and overheard them plotting to kill you my queen." I said.

"That is nonsense. Why on earth would my right hand man and woman that is like my sister plot to kill me." Amarilla said trying to remain calm about what I said.

"Yes, please do explain dear Sakura." Titania said in snide voice.

"Look if you don't believe me, then take my hand. I know that you can see into my mind." I cried.

She took a step forward and peered into my mind. She seen everything from the time that I became a Vampire till now. I saw her eyes become enrage and turn fiery red. I knew that she was angry so once she let go of my hand I took a step back.

"What ever you saw, she wanted you to see." Abdul said.

"Do you honestly think that Isabella could fool me in that manner." Amarilla snarled. 

"I would never betray you my Queen." Abdul said trying to reason.

"I am no fool, I saw it with my own eyes. You plan to kill me and Bella." Amarilla yelled. 

"My Queen would you really believe that thing over us." Abdul said, and that did hurt.

"That thing is my daughter Isabella and you will speak to her in a proper manner." The Queen snarled.

"That thing is not a pure breed Fairy Vampire. It is nothing more than a dirty nasty pixie mixed with a fairy and a vampire. You and I both know that her creator was a fairy and a pixie. How does it feel to be lied to dear Isabella?" Titania snarled.

"How would you know anything about me?" I asked.

"Everyone here knows what you are. You look just like him, your creator I mean. He is still alive, but he is hiding." Titania laughed.

"That is enough from both of you. Abdul and Titania you are charged with treason and you know the penalty for treason." The Queen said.

I watched as there faces turned to horror and they both tried to flee. The Queen reached and grabbed them both and I watched as they went up in flames from the Queens touch. She gathered up their remains and put them into 20 different vials and separate them all. Then the Queen turned to me with a smile on her face.

"My dear we do have much to talk about. Please follow me, it is time that you knew more about who you were." The Queen said. 

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