Chapter 16 : Meeting Her Bloodline Creator

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"Your not joking are you, my bloodline creator is still alive!" I said in a startled voice.

"Of course she, most of them actually are, but they live in solitude." Amarilla replied.

"Why do they live in solitude?" I asked.

"Because the king banned them after they mating had happened." Amarilla replied.

"Why did he banned them?" I questioned.

"The king wanted to insure that they would never mate with a vampire again. He had initially wanted to behead them all, but the queen convinced him to let them live in exile." Amarilla replied.

"Why did he want to kill them, isn't he the one that made the decree for them to breed in the first place anyway?" I asked.

"That may be the case, but he realized the error of his way and sought to fix his mistake." She replied.  

"That was no reason to send those people from their homes and everything that they knew." I said.

"The  problem that the king feared was that the clans who mated would chose their heirs to rise up and take over the kingdom. By banishing them he eliminated any threat that could take his rule away. His wife Titania agreed that this was the best course of action seeing the her own brother was one of the ones who mated with a vampire." Amarilla said.

"My question is, how did the vampires get pregnant. I thought it was impossible unless you possessed the gift to bear children. As far as I know, I am the only vampire that possess such a gift." I said.

"The fairies had the ability to grant vampires the gift of a child." She replied.

"They never asked for anything in return?" I asked.

"The vampires did want to some of the elfish jewelry. It is a very prized possession to have. It is among the most beautiful jewelry in the world. The only people that have any of it now is the Volturi. The crest that you wear, was made by the elves." Amarilla said.

"How is that possible. My necklace was just made when I turned into a vampire." I said.

"The Volturi still hold ties to the fairy king." Amarilla replied.

"Who is my bloodline creator?"I asked.

"Your bloodline creator is a man, who travels the world in secret. Though he was banished from his homeland, it never stopped him from pursing his dreams of traveling the world." Amarilla said.

"So how will we find him if he is traveling the world?" I asked.

"I really isn't hard to find him. Right now he lives in Japan. The woman that birthed your clan line lives in Australia most likely, but I can't be sure. The last time that I talked to her she resided in Chernobyl Ukraine.  She moves around a lot because Aro wants to destroy her for her crimes." Amarilla said.

"Why would he do such a thing? What crime did she commit?" I asked.

"Technically she created a newborn child and that is illegal. To be honest though she didn't  create a newborn child, she gave birth to a child that was half fairy and half vampire." Amarilla replied.

"How can he see that as a crime. She gave birth to a child naturally. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that." I said.

"That may be the case, but in any scenario Aro saw it as breaking the law, so now she is on the run." Amarialla replied.

"I sent a telegram to your bloodline creator to come here to meet you. He should be here shortly and I am sure that he will be happy meet you." Amarilla said.

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