Chapter 20 : The Return to Volterra

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"Bella, I did not realize that you had so much power in you." Aro said.

"Amarilla has taught me a lot over the years, and with her guidance and was able to live normally, make amazing friends and family, and harnesses incredible power." I replied.

"What else are you able to do?" Caius asked.

"I can control the weather, give the gift fertility to female vampires, control the elements, as you all witnesses take away the immortality of a vampire, or give to a person, and drain the life out of any mortal without touching them. There is more that I can do, but It really is such a long list." I said making my way over to Alec and kissing him.

"Can her dust reform?" Aro asked.

"No it can't. The way my magic works is that once I take the immortality from a vampire it turns them back into a human and the appearance of their actual age. Where Serena was so old, she just turned to nothing but dust, and now she is apart of the earth where she belongs." I said

"Well, well Bella has become somewhat fierce. I like this Bella." Said Jane.

"I actually like to be called Isabella now." I said.

"Oh you do. I didn't realize. I'm sorry." Jane said.

"No your fine. You wouldn't have known, you haven't seen me in over 200 years." I said.

"I still feel horrible about the whole situation." Jane said.

"I promise that you are fine and you have nothing to worry about." I replied.

"Oh, Isabella I can't tell you how happy I am to see you again." Heidi said and hugged me.

"So Isabella, over the past 200 years what has life been like?" Caius asked.

"Honestly, it has been great. I missed everyone on the guard, but I have gained family here over the past couple of years, and have come to love this place." I replied.

"Does that mean that you won't come back to Volterra?" Aro asked.

I looked at Amarilla, the woman who took me and treated me like her daughter, and smiled. I wanted to say no but my heart couldn't bear to be away from Alec any longer. In all the times that I was alone Amarilla never failed to be there for me and had always shown me love and kindness. She taught me how to use my powers and how to live without a mate. She had shown me a whole another world and had made my life as a Fairy Vampire one that I will never forget. We had been there for each other through thick and thin and had defended one another no matter the cost. 

"Isabella, dear, you should go. I have taught you all that I can, and now it is time for you to return to your true home and be with your mate, he clearly misses you. You can still see the lust in his eyes." Amarilla said, and I smiled at her kindly.

"Thank you. I will miss you terribly, but I will come visit in time." I said.

"There is no need to thank me, but for the night would the Volturi stay for a celebration in honor of my daughter finding her mate and going home?" Amarilla asked.

"We would be honored." Aro said, and I seen him smile. 

Aro never smiles, and I looked at Felix who had his eyes on Amarilla. His thoughts flooded into my brain and that's when it hit me, Felix was Amarilla's mate and Aro had hid that fact from her and made her believe that he was dead. Even now she believed him to be dead. She had no idea who Felix really was, but he knew who she was and he longed to touch her, and just be close to her. How could Aro do that to her. I looked into Aro's mind and saw that he was only trying to protect them from the world, but he didn't realize that he was hurting them as well. That would mean that Felix was just like me.

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