Chapter 13: 200 Years Later

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It has been 200 years since I joined Amarilla and began studying under her. I have been hurt many times since I have become a vampire, but yet I am still alive. I day never went by that I didn't think of Alec and what we could have been. I know now though that I can live without my mate. It has been hard living without him but not impossible. I wasn't long after I got here that I thought that I had found someone for me, but he too betrayed me and now it seemed that I was meant to be alone forever. 

Flashback to 200 years ago.

"It is truly beautiful isn't it?" Asked a voice from behind.

I turned around to see a man that was more beautiful then Alec. I really didn't think that it was possible to see another man in that light, but here I stand. He had an unusually tanned skin, beautiful blue and gold eyes. It was like looking into the Caribbean Sea and seeing small shards of gold. His hair was as black as a raven and as silky feather. He looked like a god and his wings were out freely. They were a beautiful blue and gold. He was wearing no shirt and his muscles were well defined, and he was at least 6.4. He had strong, high cheekbones, and his hair was just the right length that it framed his face amazingly.

"Did I startle you?" He asked. I looked up realizing that I had been distracted.

"I am sorry for being rude. It is really beautiful." I replied.

"This is my favorite place to come when I want to be alone." He said.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Oh do forgive me, where are my manners. I am Abdul second in command to the queen." Abdul replied.

"It is nice to meet you. My name is Isabella." I said.

"Yes I know. That is pretty amazing that the queen has taken you on as her daughter. It has been a long since I have seen joy in the queens eyes." Abdul said.

"Really, she seems so kind. I thought that she was always that way." I said.

"She is always that way, but you can still see the sadness in her eyes. Time has taken it's toll on, and there are many things that she wishes that she could have avoided." Abdul said.

"I didn't realize that her past still haunted her." I said.

"It don't necessarily haunt her so much as it just painful for her to think about. She made some mistakes and she wishes that she could change them." Abdul said.

"I see." I replied.

"No need to act so glum about it." He chuckled.

"I am not acting glum." I said.

"You sure having me believing you." He said.

"Whatever. I noticed that everyone here has there wings out." I said.

"Here there is no shame in showing the wonderful colors of our wings." He said.

"Before leaving Volterra I was encouraged to keep my wings put up." I said.

"You should really let your wings out. You would be surprised at how much better you would feel. They also define who you are." Abdul said.

"I suppose that I could let my wings out for a change." I replied.

I let my wings out, and watched as his eyes filled with wonder. My wings felt like a weight had been lifted off of them. It had been a long time since I my wings were out and this was the best that they had ever felt. I fluttered my wings and watched as they began to glow. They had never done that before. I turned to the pond and stared at my reflection, I was glowing.

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