Chapter 17 : Becoming Queen

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"When is Isabella to be crowned queen?" Agis asked as he finished up his meal.

"Tomorrow." I replied.

"That is the plan anyway." Amarilla said.

"What will you do once she crowned queen?" Agis asked.

"I will become the first elder of the clan." Amarilla replied.

"Isn't that a bit risky, considering Aro keeps a watch on you?" Agis asked.

"That may be the case, but I am not doing anything that goes against his rules." Amarilla replied.

"Plus I would know if the Volturi would make a decision to move against us." I said.

"You have the gift of foresight. That is indeed an amazing gift." Agis said.

"It can come in handy at times, and others it is a curse that I hate." I said and put my fork down after finishing my food.

"Why would you hate this gift?" Agis asked.

"Because when Alec makes a new decision about his life, I see that decision and it is pain to see him again.

"I know the feeling but you have to move past how he makes you feel." Agis said.

"Alec is the one for me and that will never changed. I even tried to be with Edward Cullen my ex, but there was nothing there, I just can't live without Alec." I said, and I began to tell him about how I tried to live with Edward, but I couldn't.


"You are not staying here." Alec roared.

"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't. It is clear that Aro is happy with the decision." Edward said.

"I do not want that thing anywhere near me. She has done nothing but cause trouble since she got here." Alec yelled. If tears were able to come form my eyes, I would have been crying right now. I looked at Caius briefly, but it was enough to read his thoughts.

"That's it Alec, make her think that you hate her. If you show even an once of affection I will kill, just like I killed Allana. I can't have that boy running wild. I can keep him controlled by making him do what I want him do. If he marries Allana, then we will have the best vampires paired together, and I will force Bella to use her power to allow them to produce a child."

These thoughts were horrible. There had to be something that I could do to stop this. I knew though if I tried to say anything bad about Aro's brother, I would never forgiven, and probably killed on the spot. I looked up at Edward and seen how much he really did love me. The words he said were not his own. He was being controlled by Terra, much like Alec was. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that I didn't love him, only needed a mate. He just didn't want to admit what was the truth.

"I think that the Cullen's staying here will be a splendid idea. I will have Gianna show you to your rooms. I presume there will be a wedding between Edward and Bella soon?" Aro asked.

"I would hope so." Edward replied.

"This is outrageous. I don't want her anywhere near me. Seriously who wants someone that is going to put out on the first night. She is a skank, I hope that you like seconds Edward, cause that is what you are getting." Alec said, and I heard Edward growl. I put my hand on Edwards chest.

"It's not worth it Edward." I said.

"It will always be worth it Bella. You are worth everything." Edward said. I felt a twinge of guilt because I knew that Alec was my true mate.

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