Chapter 2: True Love?

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"Bella, your eyes!" Jane said in a shocked tone.

"What's wrong with my eyes?" Bella asked.

"They're not a normal color. All vampires have red or gold eyes, but yours is Lavender with small golden specks in them. Those are rare to have. No vampire has ever had your eye color. They are beautiful. Alec will love them." Jane said.

I stood up and looked in the mirror and sure enough my eyes were the color Jane had described. They were absolutely gorgeous, I wondered if Edward was in would love me again. What was I thinking, Edward did not matter, I loved Alec now. He was the one that was there for me when Edward was not. I knew that Alec would always hold me and keep me in his heart. 

"Bella, Aro wishes to see you. He said that the moment that you were changed you were to report to the throne room." Jane said.

I nodded my head and followed Jane, and it didn't take long to get to the throne room. Aro was the only one present. I looked around and marveled at the beauty before me. The floors were made of marble and the walls were made of marble as well. The structures were amazing and the designs blew me away. I looked at each guard member in hopes of finding Alec but saw no sign of him. He said that he would be back in three days, and I'm pretty sure it's been three days. My change took 3 days, so where was Alec? Why did some guards look at me strangely?

"Alec is not here," Aro said in a distant voice.

"Where is he?" I asked, curious to know where my mate was.

"He is with Terra. We have big plans for the two. He will be along shortly. I'm sure he has finished up his task for the day." Aro said.

Big Plans? That must mean that Terra is Alec's mate and they are planning to wed soon. I am such an idiot. If Vampires could cry I would cry.  First Edward and now Alec. The Volutri played me, they only wanted me to join them. There must be something wrong with me, there has to be a reason why every guy runs from me. The Volturi now had what they wanted and nothing was going to change that.  The Cullens wouldn't take me back, not now.

"What did you want to speak to me about," I asked.

"I need you to help with Alec and Terra's plan," Aro said, of course.

"Of course my lord. Anything you ask." I replied.

I turned around when Alec entered the throne room with Terra right beside him laughing. I looked on for a moment, all that my heart could bear, and ripped my eyes away. I looked back at Aro and saw him give me a dismissive wave. I could leave, but where was I to go? I couldn't go back to Alec's room, it wasn't mine to begin with. I had no choice though I would just lock the door and hope that he wouldn't come in. I fleeted from the room not waiting for anyone to stop me. I lay in my room dry sobbing. As much as I wanted, I could not shed any tears. I heard a soft knock on my door, but I choose to ignore it.

"Bella, it's Alec. Please let me in, what's wrong?" Alec pleaded.

"Run along with your mate Terra. You have me as part of the Volutri, you have no reason to lead me on anymore." I replied.

"Terra is not my mate, you are. I thought you knew that." Alec said. Trying to plead with me, but I wasn't having it.

"According to Aro, he has big plans for you and her. I have no interest in stealing Terra's mate." I said, trying to hold back the sorrow in my voice.

"Terra only wishes that she was mate. I have no interest in being with Terra." Alec said.

"I don't believe that. What else would Aro be planning?" I demanded.

"Please Bella, can I come in?" Alec asked

"You can come in," I replied. I heard the door open, but Alec only entered the room, he made no move to come toward me. I guess locking doors don't work for vampires.

"I didn't know that Aro had planned for the two of you to marry," I said sadly.

"It's not like that at all. We are two of the most powerful vampires, aside from Aro and his brothers, that exist. He plans to use us to his advantage. When he wants someone to join him, we will be his weapons. There is no union meant to be between us." Alec said.

"You promise that it is nothing more?" Bella asked.

"Yes. I pledge my heart to you and only you. My soul is yours, and no one else's. I pledge that till the end of my life, I will protect you, and cherish you. My little Fairy Vampire." Alec said.

"Fairy Vampire?" I asked.

"That is what you are, your eyes give it away. A Fairy Vampire is a Vampire who holds extraordinary power and has wings. The wings allow them to fly, you can manipulate to earth and create beautiful streams of lavender magic. A Fairy Vampire hasn't been seen in over 6000 years. Not since the first vampire was created. The Last Fairy Vampire died at the hands of Aro himself, she caused a lot of Havoc with the humans. Her name was Annemadola." Alec said.

"I don't have no wings," I said.

"Take your shirt off and you will see them," Alec said.

I did as he said and I could feel my wings flutter. I walked over to the mirror and saw my wings. They were a beautiful shimmering lavender. I couldn't help but stare. The wings were amazing, and to think I was now one of the most powerful vampires that walked the earth. I looked behind me to see Alec gazing lovingly at my wings. Our eyes meet and everything seemed to stop, even time itself. All I wanted to do was be in his arms again and know that he loved me. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior, and let him know just how much I loved him.

"Alec, I'm sorry. I should not have jumped to conclusions." I said.

"Bella you are okay.  I can see where you got the misconception that we were to be married." Alec said.

"That is good to know," I said.

"Bella I will teach you how to use your power, the best that I can. I love you Bella and I will never let Edward hurt you the way he did before he left you. Not to mention I can't lose my mate again." Alec said.

"What do you mean lose your mate again?" I asked.

"1200 years ago, I was mated to a woman named Allana. She was amazing, and she was you, but she was killed. You are the reincarnation of my past Nate. I have been given a second chance, and I love you." Alec said. I was shocked, not only was I a Fairy Vampire, but I was also a reincarnation of a past vampire.

"Oh, Alec I love you too. You are my world and my light. You mean everything to me. I hope that I never see Edward again. All that it will do is bring me heartbreak." I replied. I turned around and pulled him to me and kissed him passionately. I pulled him as close to me as could, never wanting to let go. I wanted this moment to last forever and never let go.  I could feel my wings floating us up into the air and didn't care. I pulled as close as I could and fell back on the bed, still kissing him. We fell into our little peace of Paradise, till we would be summoned. I finally found true love, and he was willing to change me because, unlike Edward, he couldn't bare the thought of what life would be like without me.

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