Chapter 14: The New Queen

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It has been a 3 days since Amarilla had informed me that I was going to be her replacement. I was excited and scared at the same time. I wasn't sure that I was ready to be a ruler. I am still young and I can do reckless things and I don't want to be the reason that the fairy vampires disappear from this earth. I looked up at the sky and smiled sadly. This was the life that I had chose, and I chose it all for one man, Alec. Now he is married to another woman and I would never see him again and will be alone always. There are days that I feel the pain pulling at my heart begging me to go to him, but Alec does not remember me and he never will.

"What bothers you?" I turned to see Adrian smiling at me kindly.

"I still feel the pull to Alec. I can't forget him." I said.

"You will never forget Alec, he is your soul mate and the two of you belong together." Adrian said.

"I just want to forget the pain that he has caused me and the suffering. I became a vampire so that I could be with Alec forever, and yet I still don't have him." I said wanting to cry.

"With time the wounds will heal, but you will never forget him. He is the very thing that keeps you alive." Adrian said.

"There are times that I wonder if he has glimpses of what we had and wonders who I am." I said.

"Serena's magic is strong, but it won't last forever." Adrian said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are young yet, so you wouldn't know this. Serena's magic can only last so long before it burns out and then it has to build back up for thousands of years. From what I can tell, her magic is probably about burnt up at this point." Adrian said.

"Are you saying that Alec may remember me?" I asked.

"I'm not going to say anything for sure because I can't be certain." Adrian replied.

"I think I will talk to the queen about it." I said.

"Well you are going to have to wait, she is about to make the big announcement." Adrian said.

"Oh crap, I almost forgot." I said.

"That is why I came to get you. I know that you can get sidetracked sometimes." Adrian said with a smile.

"Alright well we better hurry up." I said.

He stood up and linked his arm with mine and we walked out the door and toward the great hall where the queen waited for me. She held out her hand for me and smiled at me gently. I took her and she pulled me forward and gave me an encouraging look.

"I would like to make an announcement regarding my daughter Bella. I have decided that in four short days Bella will become the new queen of fairy vampires and I will become one of the first elder fairy vampires along with a few other vampires that ancient." Amarilla declared.

The crowd erupted into cheers and the vampires began dancing around. I had honestly never seen them so happy before and it was definitely pleasing to see them this way. Then again it had be a long time since there had been elders. Many people came up and greeted me and one of them was Adrian and he was smiling brightly. He bowed before leaving. I looked at the Queen who started walking toward the throne room and motioned for me to follow and I did.

"I want to make this civilization great again." Amarilla said.

"Didn't Aro forbid it?" I asked.

"No, is only afraid of what we can do." Amarilla said.

"So why now?" I asked.

"I just want there to be some sort of order, so that our people can thrive and be normal. We have struggled to survive in the ruins of this kingdom. All I want is a place where we can live and rule in secret and be safe from the world." Amarilla said. 

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