Chapter 6 : The Fourth Volturi Ruler

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"Bella, we need to talk." Aro said.

I looked at him, a bit curious as to what he needed to talk about. I wouldn't let them take Alec from me again, my heart couldn't take it. They promised me that we could get married and that was not going to change, at all. I looked at each member of the guard, none of them looked angry but rather they looked worried. What was everyone so worried about. Were they worried about my upcoming coronation? I looked at Aro, and saw that he was waiting patiently for me to step forward.

"What is it that you need to talk about?" I asked.

"As you know, your coronation will be shortly after your wedding. Next Friday at noon we will have the coronation. As customary we invited all Vampires to attend your coronation. There will be a ball held afterward, and there we will announce your union with Alec. Some Vampires have already arrived. The Denali coven has arrived, and so has the Cullen's." Aro said.

"Edward is here? I thought they were already here." I asked.

"Yes Edward is here, but I won't let him hurt you. They left for a bit, but they will be staying here now. Edward and his family left for business in Forks. They are currently staying on the fourth floor. I had their rooms renovated and I am working on the rest." Aro replied.

"Why did you invite them, they have no business being here." I snarled. A few guard members stepped forward and took a fighting stance.

"Bella calm down. Your are radiating pure energy and it hurts." Alec said. I refused to calm down. I didn't want Edward anywhere near me. I just wanted to rip him to shreds.

"Aro, my family and I wish to me the new Volturi ruler." I heard Edward say before he saw me.

I lunged for him, but I didn't make it far. Alec wrapped his arms around me holding me back. All the Cullen's stood there staring at me with a shocked look on their faces. I wasn't worried about the others, I just wanted to kill Edward. I saw his thoughts, and I saw him cheat on me with the member of the Denali coven Adaline. He would pay dearly. I tore from Alec's arms and headed straight for Edward, there was no stopping me now.

"Bella stop." Caius said as he wrapped his arms around and pulled me back.

"We can't afford to lose you dear Bella." Caius said in a gentle tone.

"Why do you care. Just yesterday you were ready to kill me?" I asked.

"I was wrong." Was all he said. Alec walked over and pulled me into his arms.

"Bella please calm down. Four guard members have already had to leave. You are hurting them. Your power is dangerous, you need to remember that love." Alec said.

"Love." Edward snarled. "Last time I checked Bella was mine, not yours. Lay off pretty boy. Alec already broke your heart once, didn't he?" Edward said. This time Alec snarled, but I put my hand on his chest.

"Edward how dare you assume that I am yours. Yes Alec broke my heart, but not of his own free will. Take a good whiff, cause I know that you can smell it. Alec and I are mated and it's going to stay that way. Maybe you should mate with Adaline." I said, trying to stay calm.

"You mated with Alec, and how did you know about her?" Edward asked.

"I know many things now, because I can read minds." I replied, still trying to stay calm.

"Since when can you read minds?" Edward asked.

"I can do many things, but that is none of your concern." I said.

"It is my concern, when you were suppose to be my wife, not the mate of some mongrel." Edward growled. My temper was wearing thin.

"Watch you tongue in front of the fourth Volturi leader. I won't hesitate to kill you." I snarled, my anger getting higher now. Alec rubbed my arms to remind me that I could hurt someone and tried to calm down.

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