Chapter 9 : Exile

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I stood in the middle of the room rooted to my spot. I wouldn't lie, I was having trouble comprehending the fact that I was just banished from Volterra. I looked back at Alec, pleading with him threw my eyes. He only growled, and it took all of Jane's strength to restrain him. He was ready to attack me. How could this be happening? How could they believe a woman who no here knew? I knew that I was the only vampire capable of crying, but I refused to show my emotions now. If this was how things were going to be, then I had no choice but to leave.

"If that is your wish I will leave. I will go pack my things." I said.

"Do so quickly, and be on a plane by morning or in another town. As long as you are out of Volterra by morning." Aro said.

"Yes of course." I said.

 I fleeted from the room, and went to pack my things. I knew that I was being watched, but I didn't care and nor did I care who was watching me. I grabbed a couple of bags and stuffed them full of clothes, shoes, makeup, and jewelry. I didn't know where I would go, I just knew that I had to go somewhere other than here. I remember Jane told me that the longest a fairy vampire had survived without at mate was 200 years. There was only 5 total in recorded history.

"Well, Well if it isn't miss Bella Volturi. Oh wait it's Swan again." I turned around to see Serena the very girl that ruined my life.

"What do you want?" I snarled.

"Well since I sound proofed this room, I guess I can tell you." She laughed.

"What are you up to?" I demanded. 

"Well I finally got what I wanted. I got Alec and I got rid of his mate. I killed two birds with one stone." She laughed.

"You aren't even with Alec." I snarled.

"Oh but we will be. Aro has arranged for us to Wed first thing tomorrow." She said with a grin on her face.  

"He wouldn't marry you. He loves me." I cried.

"Thanks to my little web of lies Alec don't even know who you are anymore." She laughed.

"How is that possible?" I asked.

"I can manipulate the mind and make memories disappear. The only way that Alec will continue to forget you is if you leave. That is why I lied to Aro. I needed you out of the picture and now you are banished." Serena said.

"I can't believe you. You won't get away with this." I said.

"Oh, but sweetie I already have. You see everyone here thinks that I am Alec's true mate, and that I have been with him this whole time. No one here remembers you, not even the Cullens." Serena laughed. 

"I will come back and I will get Alec back." I said.

"Doubtful. I will have the guards kill you because I am taking you place as the fourth ruler." She smirked and left the room.

I stood in that spot unable to believe what I was hearing. I had no where to go. I couldn't go home and I couldn't go to the Cullens. My family would never recognize me, I was alone. I grabbed the few bags I had and fleeted from the room and out of the castle. I went as far as body would take me without hunting. I looked at my surroundings and found that I was near a small town.

I walked into the town and looked around it was a small town on the outskirts of Germany. I made my way to the edge of the village where a lured a young man into the woods and drained him. I knew that it would not be long till the villagers discovered his body so I fleeted from where I had left him. I decided to fled to ancient ruins of the Mayan temple in central America. They were remote and I would be safe there. There I hoped to find answers. 

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