I wonder

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So many people around experience this deep desperate love.

A love that was either dragged out or dragged them down by their feet and somehow into their lovers arms-

It might've taken months or years, but it happened.

I wonder what it's like.

To fall so unexplainably hard for someone-

To be the person someone always dreamed and chased-

rather than the person they hold in their sleep,

simply because she lets them.

They slip into a land of peace and imagine anyone else beside them,

and their heartbeat becomes the most painful sound she knows.

While she lays awake staring at the ceiling and imagines all the stars are watching over her,

Similar to the ones in her room that remind her of you,

Similar to the ones she closes her eyes and makes wishes on,

Similar to the ones in the night sky that make her feel as though they're calling out to her-

Begging her to run as far as she can.

Far from the sleepless nights in a strangers arms,

From the friends falling madly in love while she simply goes mad-

Far from the idea of being someones dream,

And instead having some of her own.


Because I didn't. 

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