Chapter 9

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Olivia's POV:

It was Monday morning. I knew today was the day our flight leaves for Nashville, and I couldn't be more excited. I just hated packing so much. We all had to be at Grayson at 4pm, so we could load up the buses to be at the airport at 5 since our flight was at 7. We always have to make sure we get to the airport early since there's so many of us, and we all have to get our bags checked. Plus, security can be a nightmare sometimes. I remember once last season some of us almost missed our flight because we got separated from the group during a security check. I was one of the ones who had to run to our gate, and get my ticket off of Jesse to make it on the plane. I finally motivated myself to get out of bed and get my morning started. It was a little after 9, so I got myself ready and started packing a bit.

I started to get hungry so I walked to the kitchen and decided to make Sav and I some pancakes. I guess Sav could smell them from her room since she came into the kitchen as I was finishing the last pancake. "Good Morning Olivia! I couldn't resist the smell of your pancakes any longer. They definitely were my motivation to get out of bed this morning." She went to grab cups and plates for us, and sat them on our dining room table. "Yeah, I told myself if I packed a little I could be rewarded with pancakes." We sat down at the table and started eating. "You're doing better than me, I haven't packed at all yet. You know I'm a last minute throw everything into my bag kind of girl." I laughed at how opposite we were. I was the type to have a list made a week before and make sure to cross off as I pack. Savanah on the other hand though was just like she said, just throw and go when it came to packing. "Okay, but you need to make sure you have a few options for your 2nd date with Collin on Saturday. I still need help picking out a dress to wear on Saturday for my date with Kevin. It's at that fancy restaurant remember? You have way better taste than I do, especially when it comes to looking fancy." Sav nodded her head since she had food in her mouth. "I have a few ideas in mind for what to wear on my date. Of course I can help you pick out a dress. We can even have a fashion show if you want. It's going to be easier for me to see the dresses on you to help decide which one you should take." I absolutely hated trying on clothes, but I knew I wanted to look nice for my date. "I don't really want to have a fashion show, but if it'll help you then I guess we can." Sav squealed with excitement, it made me question again how we're best friends since we're obviously so opposite.

We finished our breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen before heading to my room first. When we entered my room, I knew it would be in my best interest to just sit on my bed and let Savanah go through my closet. I had a feeling that if I recommended any outfits Sav would politely shoot them down. I decided to just let her take full control of this one. She was rummaging through my closet when she pulled out about three different dresses. She walked them over to me and made me change into each one. That was pointless though since she didn't like any of them for different reasons. "Sav, I don't think I have any other dresses in my closet. You're just going to have to pick one of the three I already tried on." She wasn't listening though since she was still going through my closet. I changed back into my pj's since she was taking her time.

After about 10 minutes, I heard the hangers stop being moved across the pole in my closet. Sav let out a gasp and I thought something was wrong. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?" She turned to me with a smirk on her face. She was holding something behind her back, but I couldn't tell what it was. "I think this is the dress. I'm going to give it to you, and I want you to go try it on without saying anything." She started to walk over towards me with the dress still behind her back. I was honestly nervous, but I trust my best friend. When she got close she pulled the dress around and handed it to me. It was a beautiful red dress with a V cut in the front. I was a little unsure about it, but Sav encouraged me to go try it on. I went to the bathroom to change, and when I did I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked and felt absolutely gorgeous and confident with myself. I'm usually confident, but this time was different. I have no idea where this dress came from, but I'm so glad Sav found it and picked it out. I went to leave the bathroom, but told Sav to close her eyes before I came out. I walked out to see her sitting on my bed, covering her eyes. "Savanah, I think this is the one. I love how it looks and makes me feel. You can open your eyes now." She opened them and looked at me. Her jaw was practically on the floor. She didn't say anything for a few minutes, which made me more nervous than before. "You hate it don't you? That's why you haven't said anything." I was messing with my fingers waiting for her response.

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now