Chapter 20

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Olivia's POV:

It's been two days since I had a fight with Brenna. Luckily for me, Jesse gave everyone Thursday off given that the next home game was on Saturday. I groaned as Savanah pulled into the stadium parking lot. "You know you're going to have to talk to her today right?" I let out another groan instead of answering her. "I'll take that as a yes." We got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance. "I don't understand why I have to be the one to bring it up first and apologize. I don't regret saying what I said. Everyone can see it, but nobody had the b*lls to tell her." Sav shot me a look, and sighed. "Olivia, she was drunk that night. She probably doesn't remember what she said or anything. I doubt she meant what she said. Be the bigger person and apologize. You both have to work with each other, so do it now or things will be awkward." I rolled my eyes, as we walked under the entrance sign. "Fine. I'll be the bigger person I guess even though I don't want too." 

Savanah and I walked up to the booths where our meeting would be. We found the room we'd be in this morning, and walked in. When we sat our things down, Lauren came in with Brenna. I looked up and saw it was them. "Morning" I let out as I continued to unpack my bag. "Good Morning Liv" I heard Lauren say. I looked up again, and saw Brenna give me a nasty look. I'm assuming she sort of remembers the other night, or Lauren filled her in. Better to get this done now I suppose. "Brenna, can I talk to you in the hall?" She was still giving me a nasty face. "No, I don't want to talk to you." I don't understand why she was making this so much harder than it has to be. "Brenna please, we need to talk about the other night." She walked over and sat in the chair beside Lauren. "No, Olivia. If you want to talk then we can do it right here in front of everyone. You had no problem talking about my personal life the other night in front of the girls." She crossed her arms, and looked like she wasn't moving. I sat in the seat across from her. "Alright, I guess we're staying here then." Sav and Lauren must've given each other a look since they both got up. "Lauren and I are going to get some coffee, we'll be back." The girls quickly left the room before Brenna or I could say anything.

I took a deep breath, and then looked at Brenna. "I'm sorry for the things I said the other night Brenna. I shouldn't have said anything about you and Donny. You were being really rude to me though. Do you remember what you were saying, or did Lauren have to fill you in?" I was looking at Brenna, and saw the expression on her face change. She looked upset like she was going to cry. "I'm sorry for the things I said to you Liv. I shouldn't have called you those names. Lauren told me everything when I got up the next morning. I definitely drank too much that night, and shouldn't have lashed out on you the way I did. I think you and Tanner would be cute together. I guess I acted the way I did because I'm a little jealous. I like Donny so much, but you're right. He obviously doesn't like me back." I think she was actually being sincere with her apology. "Brenna, if Donny doesn't like you, then he's dumb. Maybe focus on yourself, and see what happens. We still have lots of places to travel for work. You might meet a guy from another state." She still looked upset, but I did manage to get a smile out of her. I got up out of my seat, and walked over to the chair beside her. When I sat down, she turned to look at me. "Brenna, I don't want to fight anymore. We're both sorry and apologized for what we said. Can we move on, and act like it never happened?" Brenna shook her head, and we hugged. I went back over to my original seat. "Okay, you both can come back in now." I watched as Savanah and Lauren poked their heads into the doorway. "Oh, we came back a few minutes ago and didn't want to interrupt." Sav said as she walked into the room. "So is that why you don't have the coffees you told us you were going to get?" Everyone started laughing, and we hung out until the rest of our team arrived so we could have our meeting. 

After our meeting, we started getting things ready for tomorrow's game. The morning went fast, and we had all finished eating lunch. We had an afternoon meeting with everyone afterwards. The meeting was going good, and I turned to say something to Dalton when I heard my name. "Okay so for Zack's walk out tomorrow, we were thinking of having it be a dance up to the plate. Some of us talked, and decided that Olivia should be Zack's partner." I quickly shot my head over to Avery, who was explaining what was happening. Zack is the director of entertainment for the Bananas. He sometimes gets to bat during the games if he's feeling it. "Is there a reason you guys picked me? I'm not a very good dancer." Avery laughed, and turned to Zack. "Olivia, we've all seen you line dance with Noah at the bars last season. You're a lot better than you think you are. This will be a minute dance, it's not hard to learn either. I can teach you all the steps right after this meeting." I turned and gave Dalton a look. "Come on Liv, you got this. It's only a little dance, nothing major." I sighed and looked back at Avery. "Okay, I'll stay after the meeting for you to teach me the steps."

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