Chapter 23

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Olivia's POV:

It's been about two weeks since my date with Tanner. We had already gone on another date, and it was as fun as the first. I'm really starting to enjoy my time with Tanner, but still was worrying about Dalton in the back of my mind. I started thinking about him again when Sav came into my room. "Do you think three bags is too many for Jacksonville?" I put the shirt I was holding into my bag that I was packing. The next game for Banana ball is in Florida. We leave tomorrow, and are taking the buses since it's about a two hour drive. "We're going to be there for two days. Both days are game days, so three bags may be a little excessive." I heard her groan as she walked out of my room. We both finished packing, and then went to bed since it was late.

We woke up the next morning, and headed to the stadium so we could load the buses. Sav and I placed our bags in the storage under the buses. We then made sure all of the creative teams bins were under the buses also. After we did that, we still had to wait for some players to get to the field. Sav went over and started talking to Collin, leaving me by myself. I glanced around, and then started walking towards the front of the bus when I saw Dalton and Tanner walking over. "Good morning guys" I said with a smile as I got close to them. Dalt saw me, and gave me a hug. "Good morning Liv, someone's in a good mood this morning." I hugged him back and laughed. "I know I'm not usually a morning person, but it's 11 so I'm sort of awake." I let go of Dalt, and stepped back. Tanner had finished putting his stuff under the bus and walked over. "Hey Liv" He said as he looked at me with a smirk. "Hi Tanner, how do you feel about going back to your hometown? I remember you saying something about being excited to play in Florida this year." Tanner smiled, seeming to be surprised I remembered something like that. "Oh yeah, I'm  excited. My sister and nieces are supposed to be coming to the game on Friday night. I'm also glad we don't have to fly. We all know how I am on a plane." This made me and Dalton laugh. "Yeah T, I'm actually glad we aren't flying either. I can't take anymore trips through security." Dalton said after he finished laughing. We all continued talking while I kept glancing over at Tanner. I was trying not to make it too obvious since Dalton was right next to me. Eventually everyone arrived at the stadium, and we started the drive to Jacksonville.

At one point of the drive I wanted to get up and stretch my legs. I started watching a show on my phone, and somehow crunched up my body. My legs ended up falling asleep, so I had to get up and move. I was walking up and down the aisle when I heard Dalton yell my name. I looked up and found him, and he motioned for me to come sit beside him. I carefully made my way to the back of the bus, having to step over some people and their legs. I finally made it back to Dalt, and sat beside him. "What's up Dalt?" I asked as I sat down. He had his computer opened, and it looked like he was editing one of his vlogs. "I have a demo of a new song I started recording. I was wondering if you'd want to listen to it, and give me some feedback?" Dalton has always asked me to be one of the first people to hear his new songs. It's something he started back when we were in high school. He wouldn't even let his Mom listen to it first, it always had to be me. I smiled and put in the earbuds he gave me. "Of course Dalton. I'm assuming I'm the first one to listen to it?" He laughed as he clicked the keys on the computer. "You know I don't let anyone else listen first. Tanner's been asking, but I told him it had to pass your test first. He could listen and give his opinion after I had yours." "Okay, I'm ready. Do you have a title for the song yet?" Dalton was still clicking on his computer. He pulled up a picture, and turned it to face me. I looked at the image, and it was a picture of Dalton sitting on a topless Jeep. The words in the picture said "How'd you keep her?" "I can tell you now that I like the cover photo, and the song title. Let me listen to the demo so I can give my entire opinion." Dalton smiled, and clicked on the computer again.

I started to hear the music, and then the lyrics. I closed my eyes, and let myself be surrounded by Dalton's voice. After the demo was over, I took out the earbuds, and looked at Dalton. He looked concerned, like he was waiting for my opinion about the song. I paused long enough to mess with him. "Honestly Dalt, I loved it. I think it's the perfect type of song for the summer. I especially like the chorus, it's one of those parts that makes you want to move your head along as you sing." I looked up at him, and he seemed extremely relieved. "I'm so glad you like it Liv. I worked really hard on this one. I think it's one of my favorite songs I've released." He was looking at his computer, smiling at the cover photo for the song. "You should be really proud of yourself Dalt. You've come a long way as an artist. I'm sure everyone will love the song when you release it." "Thanks Liv, I appreciate that a lot." I got up from the seat,and stood in the aisle looking at Dalton. "It's no problem Dalt. You know I'll always support you with your music. I'll let you get back to what you were doing before." I started to walk up the aisle when I heard Dalton say something. I turned around to look at him and ask him what he said. "I said I'm working on the vlog for next Sunday. It'll be a good one, you should definitely check it out." He said with a wink. I have no idea what he meant by that, but I let it go and went back to my seat.

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