Chapter 7

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Olivia's POV:

I woke up the next morning freezing since all I had was a thin blanket to cover myself with. I checked my phone and it was about 11am. I usually don't sleep this long, but I forgot how late it was when we got back to the guys place. I had a couple texts from Sav asking if I was awake. The latest one was about 20 minutes ago. She was asking if I needed her to pick me up from the guy's apartment since she was headed to the grocery store. I responded back asking her to pick me up so I didn't have to wait for one of the guys to bring me back to my apartment. I got up and went to see if the guys were up. I walked into their rooms to find them both still asleep since they were snoring super loudly.

I got the text from Sav that she was here, so I went to the living room to grab my purse before heading out the door. "Hey Sav." I said as I got into her car. "Hey Liv, I see you're still wearing Tanner's hoodie. What's that all about?" She looked at me smiling. I forgot I still had it on. I took it off and threw it to the backseat before responding. "Honestly, I forgot I was still wearing it. I only had a thin blanket to use last night anyways so I wasn't trying to remove any layers. Remind me to give it back to him later please." She just nodded her head as she kept driving down the road. "So, what's the whole you driving Tanner's Jeep thing? You said it happened the day Dalton got put in the hospital?" Savanah has always had really good memory. That's one thing I remembered about her from last season. When it came to things like this though, I wish she didn't. I sighed, realizing I would have to tell her about this. "So, I asked Dalton if I could drive his truck to Olive Garden, and he said no. We started arguing about it, and then Tanner told me I could drive his Jeep the next time it was at the stadium. I guess they brought it last night since Dalton still didn't want me driving his truck. It's not really a big deal, at least I don't think it is." Sav gave me a look. "What? Do you think it's a big deal or something? You and Dalton want me to be nice and friendly with him, and that's what I'm doing."

Savanah was silent for a minute before she looked at me. "Liv, I'm going to say something and I don't want you to get mad. Promise?" She said as she held out her pinky. "Okay, I promise." We linked pinkies and she continued. "Have you talked to Kevin about any of this? Does he even know Dalton was in the hospital? You barely talk about Kevin, or even talk to him for that matter. I don't know Olivia, maybe I'm suggesting you take a step back and evaluate your relationship with him. I'm only saying that because right now it seems like you're not even in a relationship. It's kind of like Kevin is your safety net. Just someone who's there, in your back pocket. Don't get me wrong, I know a relationship is between two people. I don't think Kevin is making an effort either, so it's not just you. Maybe just think about it, where your relationship stands. I would talk to Kevin too, just to see what he says." She bit her lip as she finished. Probably because she could already tell how mad I was. I promised her I wouldn't get mad though so I need to calm down before I speak. Maybe she was right though. Maybe I was just going through the motions of my relationship with Kevin. Long distance has always been hard on us, at least it was hard last season. It doesn't help either that he's in Medical school trying to get his PhD, while I'm traveling around the world with two baseball teams. "As much as I hate to admit this, I think you might be right Sav. It's just hard because we're both so busy all the time. This tour is going to be even busier for us since we're going to so many new places. I do love Kevin though, so I want to try to make this work with him. We already have plans for next month when we're in Dayton, TN for a game. I'll call him tonight, and hopefully we can figure out how to make this work. Thank you for making me realize this Sav, you might've just saved mine and Kevin's relationship." "Of course Liv, I'm glad you didn't get mad. You know I'll always have your back. I just want you to be happy." I decided to text Kevin to see if he would be able to Face time tonight.

From Olivia: Hey Babe, I miss you. Are you able to FT tonight? I've been wanting to tell you how things are going here. I wanted to see how you're doing with school and stuff too. Let me know😘

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